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I walked into the house quietly, seeing the Starks carrying bowls and plates from the kitchen over to the dining table

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I walked into the house quietly, seeing the Starks carrying bowls and plates from the kitchen over to the dining table. Morgan was helping carry the cutlery, Pepper holding a bowl of salad as she set it down on the table, looking up to see me standing in the doorway. She squealed slightly as she ran over to me, Tony looking up to see me as he worked on setting the plates at the table. He wasn't lying when he said there was places for us all, working on putting down 7 plates at each of the chairs.

Pepper ran over to me with her arms extended, engulfing me into a hug as she met me, letting out a loud laugh. "Hey Pep" I said as I wrapped my arms around Pepper's shoulders, being met with a tight hug as I let out a deep breath. "It's so good to see you" she said to me, with another laugh, patting my back gently as she pulled away, holding my elbows as she raised her eyebrows at me. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail tail, her mom jeans and light tshirt completing her look of a stay at home mom. "Are you staying for lunch?" she asked me with her eyebrows raised as I shook my head slightly, her smile dropping off of her face as she kept her eyes on me.

"It's a long drive home" I told her, Tony sighing in the background as he worked on taking all the plates he had set out back into a pile. "They are waiting for me outside" I explained to her, nodding towards the door as she rolled her eyes, pulling me a little closer to her as she looked back at Tony quickly. "Just make them make up" she whispered to me, standing by my side as she put her arm around my shoulders, both of us watching Tony pick up the plates and Morgan, who was picking out pieces of tomato from the salad on the table.

"I don't think I'm Steve's biggest fan at the moment either so" I started, looking back over at Pepper as I shrugged my shoulders, keeping my voice lowered. "I think it might be best to just head back" he told her as she nodded her head, squeezing my shoulder quickly as she looked at me with a wide smile on her face. "Let me see it" she told me as she held he runs out in front of me like she was waiting for me to hand her something. I stared at her blankly, having absolutely no idea what exactly I was meant to show her. "What?" I asked, making Pepper sigh as she dropped her hand down by her side like a whining child. "The ring" she told me as if it was completely obvious, making me let out a small noise as I realised.

"Oh right yeah" I said quickly as I held my hand out, letting her hold it in hers as she inspected the ring that was resting on my knuckles. "It's gorgeous" she said, running her finger over it lightly as I nodded my head, not having realised she hadn't seen my ring yet as I hadn't been to visit since Steve proposed. "Yeah, it is" I told her with a small smile, letting her turn and move my hand so she could get a better look at it. "Better than mines" she said quietly to me as Tony snapped his head up to look at the pair of us. "That's my grandmothers ring" he argued, pointing his finger at Pepper as she turned back to look at her with a small nod and a sweet smile.

"And I love it really" she told him before she turned right back to inspecting my ring, Tony scoffing as he laid out the cutlery on the table. "The stone is beautiful" Pepper sighed as she looked up at me, her eyebrows scrunched together in admiration as I smiled at how she was fussing over something as simple as my ring. "It's a ruby, Steve's birthstone" I told her as she pouted her bottom lip, letting go of my hand as she set one hand on her chest. "That's so cute" she said, choking on her words as she looked away as if she was about to burst into tears.  "Sorry" she said quickly as I looked over at Tony, who looked on at his wife with a confused expression on his face before shrugging his shoulders at me.

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