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The pounding feeling in my head was enough to pull me from my sleep as I opened my eyes slowly, the skin around them being swollen and worn red

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The pounding feeling in my head was enough to pull me from my sleep as I opened my eyes slowly, the skin around them being swollen and worn red. I found myself lying on the hard floor, my limbs tangled together as I took in a sharp breath, realising I was still in the hallway from last night. I lifted my head slightly, realising that Steve was by my side, on his back with his chest rising and falling to a beat. I moved my legs as the blanket he had draped over my legs fell onto the ground. I sat up slowly, my whole body aching as I folded my legs to the side of me, Steve stirring at the movement as he opened his eyes with a snap.

He found me instantly, his gaze settling on me as I stared back down at him, the red dress I was still wearing from the 70s having the top few buttons undone as it draped off of one of my shoulders. "We're on the floor" I croaked, my throat raw from all the screaming and sobbing last night. I scratched my forehead, the back of my hair being a complete mess from having spent the night lying on the ground. "You were already on the floor when I found you" Steve replied to me, bending an arm behind his head as he let out a huge sigh, his eyes also red to match his tear stained cheeks. He closed his eyes for a moment, my mouth stretching wide as I yawned, the skin at the corner creases breaking from the movement.

I looked around for a moment, Steve lying in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt, the soft throw that would typically lie at the end of our bed being pulled over his legs with the other half resting next to me. The sun was filtering through the window that was at the end of the hallway, the late morning rays casting a warm glow over the clean floors, my eyes drifting to the blood stained wall. There was dust and chunks of the concrete sprinkled on the floor from where I had driven my hand into the wall, drips of dried blood sticking to the ground like tainted raindrops that had fallen from the sky.

"I was hoping to wake up in my bed to find out it was yesterday morning" I started quietly, my words barely slipping from my tongue as I had to stop for a moment, Steve opening his eyes as he rolled his head to look at me. I tripped on the rest of my sentence, taking a moment as I inhaled deeply, my eyes aching to release tears that they just didn't have anymore. "And that everything hadn't been real" I finished, coughing gently at my last word as Steve swallowed the lump that had built in his throat, nodding his head as he extended his hand out to me, running the back of his fingers against my leg in all he comfort he was able to muster.

"Me too" he whispered, his touch warm against my cold, pale skin. I bit the inside of my cheek as Steve dropped his hand to the floor, staring at the ceiling as he blinked a few times, his hair a mess much like mines like he had pulled at it. "I left after you did so I don't know where anyone is" he said to me, knowing that I would ask what had happened to everyone else after I had stormed away yesterday.

"Clint, he" I breathed out, only imagining what Clint was going through right now after having watched Natasha die. I couldn't finish my sentence before Steve reached out to me, his hand clasping onto my leg with a jolt as I looked back into his blue eyes which were glazed over in sadness. "Stay" Steve begged, my eyes drifting back down to his as I nodded my head, the sadness in his own eyes mingling with mines in the space between us. As much as I was hurting, Steve was too. "Yeah" I replied, nodding my head as I set my right hand on top of his, finally noticing the white bandaged that were wrapped tightly around my fingers and palm.

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