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I didn't look away quick enough as she looked up from the file, her eyes locking with mines for just a moment but long enough for her to realise exactly who she was looking at

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I didn't look away quick enough as she looked up from the file, her eyes locking with mines for just a moment but long enough for her to realise exactly who she was looking at. My heart dropped as I repeatedly told myself to look away from her, my brain not complying as we stared at each other. Her eyebrows almost knitted together as the man kept talking to her, barely even noticing that she wasn't listening anymore, motioning towards the paper as they explained what was written on it. Her breathing hitched in her throat as I held mines, every nerve fibre in my body telling me to start running in the opposite direction. There was a feeling on the bottom of my stomach that wanted to run over to her and collapse into one another's arms, but my brain knew that that wasn't an option.

Peggy Carter was my first friend ever. She helped throughout my time in the SSR while the whole time I was shovelling her nothing but lies that I had memorised from a file. Her eyes brought me back to a time when I felt like I belonged for the first time in my life, my heart aching for the chance to talk to her for just 5 minutes.

I finally pulled my eyes away from her, clearing my throat as I started walking down the hall in the opposite direction, needing to get away from her before anything else happened. "Ally?" she said, apologising to the man quickly as I sped up, turning around the corner as I pulled at my collar, walking as fast as I could down the busy halls. My shoes scuffed across the floor as I turned a corner, breaking into a small jog as I heard her heels click from behind me, the pace sounding like she was running. No one would question her if she was running down the hall, but I couldn't stand out that much among all of these people, my pace being limited to a swift walk.

The further I got from Peggy I kept looking over my shoulder to check that she wasn't there, having no idea where I was actually going. It was likely that she was going to catch up with me, and if she did, I had no idea what I would say to her. I was still dead in this timeline. I came to a small corridor that was situated on the main stretch of hallways, my feet turning sharply as I ran down into it, multiple doors sitting on each side. It was a risk to try the doors because if one of them didn't open, I would be completely out of options except from expose myself to Peggy, but that was a risk I was willing to take.

I rattled at the door knob, my head snapping back to the main hallway as I turned around, trying a door on the other side of the small offshoot corridor. I swore under my breath as it didn't open, my hiding place option running out as I tried the door that was next to it, hoping and praying that it would pop open at the twist of the handle. I moved the knob to the right as the door opened, my feet bursting into the room as fast as humanly possible as I closed the door behind me, being cautious to not make any noise. As soon as the door closed, Peggy came running down the hall, her eyes searching for me as she let out a small breath.

I stood there with my front pressed against the door, peaking out from the corner of the window as Peggy moved down the hallway, stopping as she looked around. I held my breath as I hoped she wouldn't start opening the doors of the rooms to see where I had gone, my eyes trained on her as she stood there. Her eyebrows were scrunched in confusion as she looked both ways again as if she was expecting to see me pop out from around the corner. This is the closest I had been to one of my best friends in a long time, my arms wanting to crush her into a hug and tell her about everything that she has missed since she stopped being lucid. She set her hands on her hips as she eyes the doors on either side of her, about to make her way to the first one I had tried before she got interrupted.

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