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I let out a cry as Clint turned to look at me, his face darkening as he shot an arrow straight at my attacker, the large bladed weapon falling to the ground as the alien did. The blade wasn't embedded in my body but had rather passed straight through my abdomen and pulled back out. I looked down, my staff falling to the ground as I touched the exit wound on my stomach, my fingers coming back painted red.

I fell to the ground, Clint's hand brushing against my arm as he tried to grab me from my fall, failing as I landed roughly on some stone. I let out a loud scream of pain as I rolled onto my back, my left arm already having lost all feeling. Clint grabbed onto my arm, dragging me across the floor with one hand as he clicked his bow into his back. He bent down, swinging my arms over his shoulders as he picked me up into his arms, like he was taking one of his sleeping children up the stairs.

He ran through the warfare, keeping his head ducked as he tried to get somewhere that was at least shielded from bullets. Clint slid down into a ditch, his grip not loosening on me for a moment as we found ourselves in a crater in the dirt. "Come on Ally" he said through a clenched jaw, bending to his knees as he set me on the ground gently, a pained shout leaving my lips.

"Ally is down" Clint said as I let out a heavy breath, trying to hold up my head to see how bad the wound was. "What?" a few different voices added as I let out a scream, trying to reach my ribs to apply pressure to the wound. "She's been hit" Clint said again as he scrambled over to me, looking down at my side as his hands replaced him, pressing down as hard as he could. I couldn't see the damage to my skin, but I could feel the warmth of my blood as it flowed out of my body.

"Where are you?" Steve's voice called out as Clint tried to hardest to cover my wound, pushing as hard as he could. "I don't exactly have coordinates, Rogers" he snapped back, letting out a strained scream as I tipped my head back. "Captain, move to your right and you'll find the hole they are in" a new voice called, the sound being unfamiliar to me but I could assume it was someone in the sky. Maybe the woman on the flying horse. I could imagine the view that she had of the battle, destruction for as far as she could see, but she was here, protected a world that wasn't her own. Here I was, watching my own planet fall into madness again, losing blood by the second.

A minute may have passed or it could have been hours as a new figure stood over the ditch, Clint flinching as he grabbed his bow from his back, ready to strike. "What happened?" Bucky shouted as he dropped his gun to the ground, gracefully sliding down the steep incline as he landed on his knees next to me. Clint fell away from me, letting Bucky take his place by my side as he assessed my injuries, and by the look on his face - it wasn't looking good.

"Stab" I breathed out, his hands covering the wound as the cold metal of his bionic arm met the heat of my torn flesh. "How does it look?" I asked him, letting out a hiss of pain as he looked from the gash to me face, his eyebrows knitted together. "Like you need to get out of here" he said to me, shaking his head to get his hair out of his eyes. He wasn't looking at my face, avoiding all eye contact as he kept readjusting his grip on my wound.

I lifted one of my hands, blood staining my fingers as I grabbed onto his face, forcing him to look at me. His cheek and chin were now smeared with red, the worry in his eyes meeting mine as Clint went to make sure no aliens managed to make their way to us. He was screaming with each arrow he let fly, his teeth bared as Ronan made an appearance once again. He was losing two friends in this mission, and he was going to seek revenge for those who inflicted it.

"I can't feel my legs, Buck" I said weakly, as he let out a shaking break, shaking his head as he put even more pressure on my wound. It probably would have hurt, but the feeling in that section of my body had left minutes ago. "Can we get some help, please?" Bucky pleaded, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone had come to his aid. We both knew it wasn't looking good. We had seen it enough during the war. As soon as the feeling in a soldiers legs went, they weren't getting out of the trenches. "I'm on my way to you" Tony's voice responded, being one of the few that could get me to safety right now.

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