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No matter how many of these things you took down, it felt like there was three more to take its place. Not only that but they were angry and ready to tear you apart limb by limb, unless you were able to kill them first. Which was what I was trying my hardest to do. I let out a loud grunt as I kicked an alien to the ground as it tried to leap at me, using the end of my staff to zap it. There was no time to think, turning on my heel and smacking another one, slipping a electric disc from the holster on my pocket as I threw it, the metal attaching to the scales of the creature as blue volts took over its body.

"Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?" Clint's voice crackled over the comms as I used the Widow's bite around my wrist to take down a solider, the body of the thing writhing unnaturally. "Get those stones are far away as possible" Steve's voice said, making my stomach contract at the sound of his voice. I had to get to him somehow, but when I looked around me there was nothing but destruction, people fighting these creatures for as far as the wasteland extended.

"No, we need to get them back to where they came from" Bruce corrected, my right arm extending as I used the half of my baton to send blue waves through an alien as it fell to the floor. "Thanos destoyed the quantum tunnel" Tony replied, his words laced with strain as he flew over my head, firing blasts from his palms at the ground. "That wasn't our only time machine" Scott replied as I looked around me, seeing if I could find that van that he arrived here in a few weeks ago. "Has anyone seen an ugly brown van out there?" I said, not finding anything as I went back to the task at hand. "Yes, but you aren't going to like where it's parked" a voice replied, not sounding familiar to me.

"Get on it Scott, and we'll get the stones to you" Steve instructed, my elbow going out as I knocked back a creature that had come from behind me. I turned, stabbing it in the chest as I used my might to pull the dagger through its skin before kicking it to the ground and away from my blade. It was stained in black, making me not want to keep it on me any longer as I threw it at the head of another chitari soldier, the thing crying in pain as it crumbled to the ground without much fight.

"Does anyone have eyes on Ally?" Steve's voice crackled through my damaged earpiece, the thing barely holding on as I used one of my batons to smack an alien into the ground, sending bolts of electricity through it as it stopped squirming. "I'm all good" I replied, looking around me to see if I could find anyone I knew, a mixture of sorcerers and Wakandan soldiers fighting around me.

"Where are you?" Steve's voice shouted, a grunt accompanying it as he threw a hard punch. "A bit preoccupied" I replied, ducking as an alien attempted to cling onto my back, a wrangled hand catching onto my shoulder as I stumbled to the ground. Before it could lunge onto me a red hue engulfed it, constricting all of its limbs. The red wisps ripped it apart, giving me time to swiftly jump back onto my feet to see Wanda by my side. She relaxed her hands, letting them fall by her side as she smiled at me and cocked her head to the side. "You're welcome" the sokovian remarked as I rolled my eyes at her, clicking the two halves of my batons together to create a staff.

"How is it possible for your hair to look that good right now?" I asked her as she shrugged her shoulders, holding her hand out to me. "Do you want me to take you to him?" she asked as she raised her eyebrows at me, my shoulders slouching slightly at the though of seeing Steve amidst the battle. "Please" I breathed out, nodding my head as she flexed her hand, the warm sensation of her magic wrapping around my body as my feet lifted from the ground.

As I flew through the air, I thought that whilst it had been 5 years for some of us, Wanda had only lost Vision mere minutes ago, and she was probably not wanting the same to happen to me. My feet hit the ground next to Steve, my hand wrapping tightly around my staff as I lost no time in electrocuting the chitari. Before I could hit another alien that was bounding towards me, Mjolnir swung straight past my face, taking out a few dozen aliens in one swing before passing me once more, finding it's place in Steve's right hand.

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