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I stood in front of the shooting range, the smooth metal of a gun sitting in my hands as I held my arms up, my finger repeatedly pressing the trigger down without any second thought

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I stood in front of the shooting range, the smooth metal of a gun sitting in my hands as I held my arms up, my finger repeatedly pressing the trigger down without any second thought. My hair was pulled up in a ponytail, safety glasses resting on my face as I stared down the range at the target I was firing at, my aim just as perfect as it always was. The sound of the gunshots rippled through the silent room, the vast floor to ceiling windows on my side showing the grass being illuminated by the soft moonlight. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I pushed down the trigger once again, following the cycle that I had been doing for the past few hours, a bucket full of empty ammo cases sitting in the corner of the room.

I had spent the whole day here, ever since Steve had walked out on me earlier today. I pulled the trigger once again, nothing firing as I let out a sigh dripping the gun onto the firing bench in front of me. I closed my eyes for a moment, clenching my fists tightly as I let out a deep sigh, trying to shake the feeling of anger from my shoulders. The door squeaked open, making me turn my head sharply to look to see Steve moving into the room slowly, making me sigh as I turned away form him immediately. I picked up the gun again, needing to keep my hands busy as I went to lift it up, forgetting it was empty as Steve's footsteps rung through the room.

"Are you here to ignore me some more?" I asked him, dropping the gun by my side as I walked over to the wall, my hand already working on pulling the empty ammunition case from the body. "I deserve that one" Steve said quietly as he walked into the room, the click of the new bullets being pushed into the gun, my feet walking back to the range as I stood on the line. I lifted the gun, not saying a single thing as my finger fell onto the trigger, firing bullet after bullet as it hit the target right in the centre. Steve stood and watched, crossing his arms over his chest as he inspected my shots, not interrupting me as I fired the last one.

"I'm ready to talk now" he said cautiously as I walked back to the wall, throwing the gun onto the empty table as I pushed the button on the box on the wall, the mechanism pulling my target to meet me at the end of the range. It stopped as I pulled it off, inspecting all my shots as Steve walked over to meet me, standing close and looking over my shoulder at the immaculate hole I had created in the paper. "Well it's nice to know" I snapped back, looking at him as I held the sheet in my hand, my knuckles scrunching the corner of it as I kept a firm grasp on it. I turned around, the paper target being nothing but a scrunched up ball in my hand as I raised my eyebrows at the blonde.

"Cause it didn't seem like it this morning, or last night" I snapped at him, Steve crossing his arms over his chest with a small sigh as I held my hand up in between us. "Or even yesterday when you walked out mid conversation" I added, turning away quickly as walking towards the shelves that lined a wall, pulling another target from the pile as I went to attach it back to the line, carrying on with what I was doing before Steve even came in. Steve let out another sigh as he followed after me, trailing behind me like a lost puppy as I ignored him, pushing past him to grab my gun from the bench. "Ally, just listen to me" he begged me, making me turn to look at him, standing at the end of the range as I shook my head at him slightly.

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