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I stood there with my eyes wide as Steve rolled into his stomach, taking in deep breaths from having been oxygen deprived for so long

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I stood there with my eyes wide as Steve rolled into his stomach, taking in deep breaths from having been oxygen deprived for so long. I looked down at my ring again, shaking my head as I dropped the sceptre to the floor with a clatter before rushing over to the pair of them the glass shattering under my feet. "You knocked him out" I said with wide eyes, leaning down and rolling the other Steve into his back, his head limply rolling to the side. "He was strangling me" Steve replied as he pulled himself off of the floor with a grunt, swinging his arm as he clung onto his shoulder, clearly having knocked it in the fight.

"He's you" I countered, setting my fingers in his neck to double check the fact that he was still breathing, the pulse beating against my fingers faintly. "Yeah so I know he will wake up in 2 minutes so we need to get out of here" he replied, watching me closely as I unclipped the cowl around the unconscious Steve's head, pulling it free from his head as I let it clatter to the ground. It was odd that I felt the need to care for him, but at the end of the day he still was Steve, no matter what timeline he was in.

"Come on" Steve said to me as he held his hand out, causing me to grab it as he pulled me up, his hand already wrapped around the sceptre as it hung down by his side. I let out a sigh as I looked around for the box, deducting that it was still 5 stories above us from the fall it hadn't faced. "That is America's ass" Steve mumbled under his breath as I grabbed the shield of the ground, holding it in my hand. The pair of us started walking away from the scene of an unconscious Captain America lying in a sea of glass before anyone would find us. We turned the corner as I held the shield clapped against the side of my leg as I walked, the silence between the pair of us as thick as a wall.

We had sped up now, practically jogging through the halls to make it back to the stairwell and out onto the New York streets again. "He didn't like your ring" Steve finally said to me as I looked down at my left hand, the ring resting on my finger. I don't know why I didn't think about taking it off before coming on this mission, and clearly it would have been a good idea. I had barely taken it off since the proposal that it just never crossed my mind that I would need to for the mission. "You didn't like my ring" I corrected, using my thumb to spin it around so that the Ruby was pointing in the way. "I was already in love with you at this point" Steve said as we turned another corner, the hallways deserted of any signs of people, which was good considering Steve was holding onto the sceptre like it as normal as cup of coffee.

"Huh?" I asked, closing my fist so that the stone was digging into the soft skin of my palm. "Battle of New York" he elaborated, in front of me slightly as he turned his face to look at me, his jaw clenched as he shook his head slightly. "His heart probably broke because of it" Steve added as I let out a small scoff, shaking my head at that remark. Had Steve really been in love with me for so long before I ever picked up on it? Thinking back on it now it may have been more obvious than it was in the moment, but I was so occupied on Bucky that I had never noticed it before Sokovia. "Then you knocked him out afterwards like salt to a wound" I said to him, shaking my head as I ran my fingers over the rough fabric of the shield straps ageing my palm.

"Surely you should have been able to beat him in a fight" I said to him, my eyebrows scrunched as he looked back over his shoulder at me, his strides shortening a little bit so I could catch up with him. "You should know your own next move" I added, Steve letting go ahead of him a tiny bit as he held the sceptre down by his side, hoping that no one would cross paths with us. "I was planning on throwing you off the balcony before you fell because I knew he'd go after you" Steve said to me as if it was a normal thing to say, being met with a sharp look from me as I turned to face him. "That would allow me to get the sceptre and get out of here" he explained as if that made it any better that he was going to through me down a 10 story drop.

"You were going to what now?" I asked him, my eyebrows raised as I physically saw the fear flash before his eyes as he realised his mistake in admitting that. "Kidding" he quickly said to me with a small chuckle, reaching out with his free hand and patting the side of my arm gently. "Maybe I should go back and marry that Steve instead" I said to him as I nodded my head back in the direction we came, Steve laughing shyly again as he tried to decipher whether that was a joke or not.

We came out of the small hallways to a hall that led off to different parts of the floor, a glass staircase running down from the floor above in the corner. As I came around the corner I spotted Natasha walking down the stairs, her phone in her hand as she kept her eyes focused on it. I immediately held my hand out to Steve, telling him to stop where he was so that Nat wouldn't see him. "Shit" I muttered as Steve poked his head around the corner to see why we had stopped. How many more people could we possibly run into?

"Ally" Natasha said as she spotted me before looking back at her phone, finishing up whatever she was doing. "You go, I'll meet you back at the spot" I said to Steve, holding his shield back out to him as he took it from my arm and into his hand. I very quickly pulled my engagement ring from my finger, looking down at it as I held it out as well. "Take this" I said, not needing anyone else seeing the ring on my finger and asking questions that I didn't have an answer to. Steve took it from me cautiously as he looked back up at me, clearly not wanting to leave me alone in the tower. "I'll be fine" I said with a small shake of my head, cracking a small smile to try and set my point. "I know how to fight my younger self much more effectively than you do" I said as I quickly kissed my hand, pressing it to his cheek before pushing on his shoulder, the blonde jogging down the corridor before Natasha could see him.

"I thought you went with Sitwell" Natasha said to me as I walked out of the hallway towards her, shaking my head as I pointed up lazily. "Yeah, I just forgot something upstairs" I lied quickly as she nodded her head, running her hand through her short vibrant red hair as she let out a small sigh. "Tony wants to go grab lunch" she said, checking the watch that was resting on her watch quickly before looking back up at me. "Shawarma?" I asked her, already knowing the answer to that one as the red head nodding her head in reply. "Yeah, I think so, he saw a joint while fighting" Natasha said as I smiled at her, the shawarma place having shut down after the Battle of New York after the owner couldn't afford to get the shop redone. "What even is shawarma?" she asked me as I held my hands up in front of me in a quick gesture.

"It's like a burrito, but more meat less lettuce" I said, pretty sure that those were the words that Natasha had said to me in my timeline. "Right" she said as she shot me a smile, waking backwards slowly as she pointed a finger at me. "I'll meet you downstairs" she told me, offering a wave as she turned around, sauntering down the hall as I watched her go. "Sure" I said to her back as she turned to face me before turning the corner, shooting me a quick flash of her teeth. "See you in a minute" she called to me as I turned around as well, very quickly resuming my journey to the stair well before anything else could go wrong.


A/N: hello hello hello I am back with another chapter
I don't have much to say right now other than the fact that I am extremely excited for the black widow movie! I feel as if i've been waiting for years (because I have) and now I finally get to go to the movies to see it ahhhh!!
are you guys excited for the Black Widow movie?
please do not forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in a minute

A/N: hello hello hello I am back with another chapter I don't have much to say right now other than the fact that I am extremely excited for the black widow movie! I feel as if i've been waiting for years (because I have) and now I finally get to ...

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