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I stood in front of the closet door in our room at HQ, the duffel bag sitting at my feet as I pulled things out from it, hanging them up and trying to make it all fit on the small rail

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I stood in front of the closet door in our room at HQ, the duffel bag sitting at my feet as I pulled things out from it, hanging them up and trying to make it all fit on the small rail. Charlie was roaming about the room, walking out of the bathroom as he stopped for a moment, watching me put the stuff away before he jumped up onto the bed. My hands were pulling a sweater onto a hanger as the beeping of the door indicated someone was coming in, my head craning around the closet door to see Steve walking into the room. He looked over at me, a smile growing on his face as he waved with a full hand of his phone and headphones. He was in a pair of green sweats, strands of his hair sticking to his forehead as he let out a exasperated and tired sigh, the door clicking closed behind him.

"Where have you been?" I asked him, Steve setting his phone and headphones onto the top of the dresser, taking in sharp breaths as he held a half empty water bottle in one hand. "On a run" he replied to me, walking over and kissing my cheek gently, making me smile as he ran his hand through his hair quickly, sweat beading along his forehead. There was a small clattering noise from behind us, both of us turning to see Charlie taking a step onto Steve's bedside table, lying down over the alarm clock. I let out a small chuckle as I hung up the shirt I was holding in the closet, Steve walking over to the cat.

"Hello Charlie" he said in a soft voice, like he was talking to a baby, reaching out and letting the cat as I grabbed another shirt from the duffel bag. "He's getting used to the room" I told Steve who laughed, leaving the cat on his alarm clock as he stretched out his arms. "Is that why he's on my bed side table?" Steve asked me, making me nod my head slowly as I kept my back turned to him, hearing him let out a sighs as he did a few stretches to calm his muscles down.

"Yup" I replied simply with a shrug of my shoulders, Steve not saying anything else in reply as the room fell silent like it was minutes ago. "What's in the box?" Steve asked me, his breathing heavy as I turned around to look at him. The box was sitting on the bed, Steve had sat down next to it, pulling the laces undone from his sneakers as he nodded at it quickly. "Bucky's jacket" I told him with a small shrug of my shoulders, standing in the open closet as I crossed my arms over my chest slowly. "Oh it's that box?" he asked me, making me nod my head as he looked away from it, focusing on his shoes as he pulled them off of his feet. "Why?" he asked, not looking up at me as I let out a deep breath, pushing my hair over my shoulder as it fell down my back.

"Because if we do this right, he'll be back for me to give it to him" I said quietly, Steve looking up at me as his eyes bored into mines for a brief moment, reading the expression on my face carefully. He looked away, nodding his head as he leaned forward, putting his head in his hands for a few breaths. "Okay?" I asked him, knowing he was was just as protective over the jacket as I was, he was the one who stole it. I walked over to him, standing by his side as I put my hand on his shoulder blade, rubbing it comfortingly as he nodded his head. "Yeah, always" he said, looking up at me as he pushed out a small smile, but it appeared as nothing but a slight grimace on his face.

He stood up, taking his place in front of me as he put his fingers under my chin, tilting my head so that I was looking up at him. He lowered his head, kissing my lips gently without any sign of urgency, as if he had all the time in world to stand there kissing me. He moved his hand away from me, reaching his hand before his neck and pulling his shirt off in one swift movement, making my eyebrows raise. "Wow" I said, putting my hands up on either side of me, having a feeling Steve read this situation completely wrong. He let out a low laugh, kissing my temple quickly as his lips lingered at my ear as his breath hit against my skin.

"I'm going for a shower" he explained as I nodded my head, swallowing quickly as he moved to walk around me towards the bathroom, twisting his hands in his shirt. "Good news" Natasha shouted as he walked into the room, the door swinging open as if he had kicked it open with a strong hit. She froze as she saw Steve and I standing there, her eyes wide as he kept them on me. "Am I interrupting something?" she asked, motioning her head towards Steve as he cleared his throat gently, turning to look at her with an eyebrow raised curiously. "You could knock next time before finding out" Steve remarked as he walked to the bathroom, flicking the light on and closing the door behind him.

A small smile grew on my face as Natasha moved into the room, raising her eyebrows at me quickly as I shook my head, knowing exactly what that expression was asking me. "We've all seen your abs before Steve don't get shy all the sudden" Natasha called out, putting her hand around her mouth to make sure he heard it. She was returned with the shouts of the shower turning on, making her turn towards me with a small jump in her step. "We have a meeting at 10am tomorrow" she told me, pointing her finger at me as I raised my eyebrows at her, tilting my head to the side quizzically.

"About the quantum stuff?" I asked her, being repelled with a grin and a nod of Natasha's head. "Yup" she told me, sitting on the bed as she fell back, lying on the other side of the box as I grabbed it quickly, not wanting anymore questions about it. "With who?" I asked her, taking the box to the closet and kneeling down on the floor, setting it on the bottom of the wardrobe. "Bruce" she responded quickly, saying it so calmly as I turned to look at her, my eyebrows furrowed. "Banner?" I asked, making her roll her eyes as she let out a small sigh, setting her hands out behind her as she leaned into them.

"How many people called Bruce do you know?" she asked me, her tone sounding really condescending as I stood up, closing the closet door as I turned back to look at her. "You called him?" I asked her, pushing my hands into my pockets as she nodded her head slowly, a small smirk dancing on her lips. "Yeah" she told me, making me nod my head as a smile grew on my lips, Natasha turning away form me as she looked at Charlie. "Huh" I said, knowing that Bruce had probably jumped on the chance to seeing Natasha again after all these years. She was probably oblivious to it, but I knew that she was probably equally as happy to see him again.

"He's just as smart as Tony" Natasha said in between her true to coax my cat from his spot on Steve's nightstand. She had a hand extended, making soft hissing noises with her mouth to call him over to her. Charlie however wasn't having any of it, staring her down from his comfortable position as I smiled at the interaction between the two of them. "Hopefully he doesn't think Scott is nuts" I said, crossing my arms over my chest as I leaned against the dresser that was behind me, Natasha still trying to call Charlie over to her. "I think your cat hates me" Natasha said, giving up as she dropped her arm, lying down on the bed as she tilted her head to look at me.

"I don't blame him" I joked back to her as she sneered at me with a sour expression, making me laugh as the sound of the shower turning off made me turn to look at the bathroom door. "You should probably leave before he gets out" I told Natasha, pointing towards the door as she nodded her head quickly, pulling herself off of the bed. "See you later Charlie" she called, waving to the cat as she left the room, shooting up a rude gesture at me before the door closed shut.


A/N: get ready for some more Natasha and Charlie written into the chapters because they are my new favourite duo
i'm super duper excited to have bruce back into the story because the endgame plot if officially on track and trust me we are in for a bumpy bumpy ride!
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you soon

A/N: get ready for some more Natasha and Charlie written into the chapters because they are my new favourite duoi'm super duper excited to have bruce back into the story because the endgame plot if officially on track and trust me we are in for a ...

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