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I sat in the booth of the diner, Steve sitting my by side with one arm over the back of the bench, angled towards me as we all sat in silence

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I sat in the booth of the diner, Steve sitting my by side with one arm over the back of the bench, angled towards me as we all sat in silence. Natasha and Scott were in the other side, Scott cautiously trying not to sit too close to Natasha. There were plates of food in front of us, dashed over the table were plates of eggs and toast, waffles and bacon rashers sitting in front of me. We all sat there silently, watching as big green hands reached in front of us, using a large spoon to pile heaps of food onto the plates, pouring from the pitcher of orange juice carefully. I sat ther wide eyes, watching as Bruce Banner, or maybe even the Hulk smiled at me before pushing a waffle into his mouth.

When Natasha had told me that we would be meeting Bruce at a diner, this wasn't exactly what I was expecting. The Hulk sat at the end of the table, perched on a stool as he used his fork to shovel food into his mouth. He was wearing glasses, his black hair faded in the sides as if he had gone to the barbers for a haircut. It was odd, he spoke with Bruce's voice, was wearing a cardigan, and most importantly wasn't trying to destroy this whole diner with a smash of his fist. "Come on, I feel like I'm the only one eating" Bruce said, looking at us all as he leaned forward, pushing the plate of eggs further in front of me as I continued to stare at him in silence. 

"Try some of that, Ally" he told me, staring at me for a moment with a persuasive smile my eyes shifting down towards the scrambled eggs on the plate. "Have some eggs" Bruce coerced, pointing at it as I slowly picked up my fork, everyone around the table watching my movements as I stabbed some eggs, placing them in my mouth. "Good huh?" Bruce asked me, my jaw chewing very slowly like I was bracing myself for the eggs to be poisoned. "I love this place, they make the best waffles in the whole of Maine I'm telling you" he said with a booming laugh, Scott flinching slightly as I scooped up more eggs with my fork mindelessly, scared Bruce would tell me to keep eating.

"Steve you try it" Bruce said to the blonde next to me as I looked at Steve with apprehension, lifting the fork up to his mouth as he took the eggs from it, leaning back against the booth. "I'm so confused" Scott breathed out, shaking his heads as Bruce grabbed another waffle in his hand, making it look like the size of a golf ball. "These are confusing times" Bruce replied to Scott, a serious expression on his face as Steve took the fork from my hand that was automatically going to get more eggs. He set it down before I could get anymore, clearly not wanting to eat any more scrambled eggs. His knee rested against my leg, my elbow placed up on the table as I caught Natasha's eyes, the red head looking just as dazed and confused as the rest of us.

"Right, no, no, that's not what I meant" Scott stuttered, shaking his head as Bruce stared at him for a moment with a hard look on his face. Scott was basically shaking in his seat before Bruce cracked a wide smile, letting out another loud chuckle. "No, I get it, I'm kidding" Bruce said with a laugh as Scott relaxed, nodding his head as he cracked an uneasy looking smile. "I know it's crazy that I'm wearing shirts now" Bruce exclaimed, motioning down to the grey t-shirt he was wearing as Scott nodded his head a little bit too enthusiastically. "Yeah, how? Why?" Scott asked, looking over at the rest of us to see us with straight faces and caution glazed over our eyes.

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