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I walked down the rickety fire escape as Steve made his way down the stairs in front of me

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I walked down the rickety fire escape as Steve made his way down the stairs in front of me. My hand was gripping onto the railing as the black paint chipped off in my palm, my other hand holding onto my side as I rocked with each step. The fire escape ran down the sight of one of the buildings that ran along the alleyway that we had appeared in, the metal screeching at every movement we made against it. It didn't run all the way to the ground, meaning a small jump was needed to get off of it and back onto the concrete. I would have been able to make it perfectly fine or any other day, but I had just been thrown off a balcony and hit the ground at full force.

The pain from my back was slowly diffusing it's way down my feet and into my legs, my body not being used to being in this much pain anymore. Steve stopped on the last level of the fire escape, setting his hip against the railing as he hooked one leg over, jumping to the ground in a fluid motion. He set the sceptre and his shield on the ground, looking back up at me as I leaned against the metal to suck in a few deep breaths. "I'll catch you" Steve said to me as I nodded my head, staring down at him from my vantage point as I placed both hands on the rail. I lifted a leg over it, clambering over and sitting on the metal as Steve held his hands out towards me.

"Ready?" I asked, Steve nodding his head as I stared down at him, hoping and praying that he wouldn't drop me to the ground again. I pushed myself from the fire escape, not falling for long as Steve caught me by the hips, dampening my fall as he set my feet on the floor effortlessly. The pressure of where his hands had been made my sides scream in pain as I leaned against Steve for some support. "You okay?" Steve asked as I closed my eyes tightly, my body not used to this amount of pain as my head spun. "Yup" I breath out as I pushed myself off of Steve, the blonde leaning down to grab his shield and the sceptre again. I looked both ways up and down the alleyway, not seeing Tony it Scott anywhere. On one side there were police cars blocking off the road, the cleanup of New York having officially started now that SHIELD had been called in to help.

"Cap" Tony's voice said as Steve and I instantly turned around, seeing both Tony and Scott sitting into a trashed car that was sitting at the end the alley. Tony has his arm resting on where the window would have been, a defeated look on his face as Scott sat in the backseat with his arms crossed like a disgruntled child. "Where is it?" Steve asked as he took raised his eyebrows at the two men, one of my hands resting on my hip as I slouched forward slightly. "Sorry, buddy but we got a problem" Tony breathed out as he shook his head, Scott shaking his head as he let out a loud scoff.

"Huh that's one way to put it" Scott remarked as I realised that they didn't have the tesseract, Tony rolling his eyes as he rubbed his eyes with his hand. "You didn't get it?" I asked as Scott pushed the door open, hastily getting out of the vehicle as he slammed the door shut with all his might. The car rocked as class from the shattered window fell to the ground, Tony letting out a small groan. "The only thing I got was a concussion" Tony told us as he pushed the door open, swinging his legs out as he rested his elbows on his knees. Steve looked back at me, the expression on his face showing me that he wasn't quite grasping the situation quite yet.

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