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I lay in my bed, the sheets pulled around my tightly as my eyes stayed open, staring blankly at the empty side of the bed as my breathing filled the room

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I lay in my bed, the sheets pulled around my tightly as my eyes stayed open, staring blankly at the empty side of the bed as my breathing filled the room. Steve hadn't come back from after he walked out earlier, and I didn't exactly have an idea of where he was right now, but what I did know is that he wasn't lying beside me right now. The bed felt oddly empty, after having Steve sleep next to me for every night in the last 5 years. The sheets were flat and calm in his absence, the pillows still in the exact same position they had been when we had woken up this morning.

I let out a small sigh as I wiped under my nose with my finger, having no clue what time of the night it was, guessing it was already early morning now. I heard a small beeping noise, letting me know that someone was using the keypad to get into the room. I immediately sat up quickly, turning to the door as I put my hands on either side of me, the door cracking open as I looked at it hopefully. It was't Steve who walked in, Natasha in her pyjamas standing in the doorway as the light lit her up from behind. Her hair was tied up in a bun, the blonde ends sitting on top of her red roots. I let out a small sigh as I bowed my head, putting my hands to my forehead as I let out a sigh.

She walked into the room as I lay back down, disappointed that it was Nat and not Steve coming to let me have a chance to apologise. The door clicked close as the darkness filled the room once again, Natasha standing creepily by the side of the bed in silence as I dropped my arms back down by my side. "Everything okay?" I asked her, looking in her direction as she lifted up the sheets with her hand, shaking them slightly that told me she wanted to climb into the bed.

"I thought I'd give you some company" she said to me as I let out a sigh, shifting over to the other side of the bed as Natasha climbed in, the bed having two people in it once again. "Where is he?" I asked her as she got comfortable, Steve's pillow cold under my head as I slipped my hand underneath it, sandwiching it between my hand and cheek. Natasha let out a small sigh as she lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling as her eyes glimmered in the dark, letting me know where she was. "Out on the couch" she told me, making me imagine Steve wrapped in a blanket on the couch, struggling to get to sleep on the uncomfortable cushions.

"I should have just moved back into my old room" I said with a sigh, letting my eyes close as Natasha pulled the sheets around herself, yanking them away from me sharply. "He'll get over himself eventually" Natasha told me, which I know was supposed to be comforting, but everything Natasha said was always a little bit threatening. "We've never had a sleep on the couch kind of fight" I told her, opening my eyes again and staring at her side profile as she blinked a few times, shrugging her shoulders quickly as she tilted her head to look over at me. "He didn't even have to sleep on the couch we have multiple empty rooms" she told me, trying to make humour of the situation as I simply stared at her for a moment, my throat dry and scratchy as I relived the screaming match Steve and I had had earlier.

He had completely disappeared from the living area all afternoon, not even showing up for dinner. I had sent Scott on a small snooping mission, which he was quick to refuse to, saying he didn't want to intrude of Steve when he was angry or he might end up knocked out. I had eventually convinced him, and Scott had told me that he found Steve in the gym, slowly breaking all of the punching bags we had. I didn't expect anything else from him honestly, I probably could have guessed that that was where he was, he's always been a punch until you feel better kind of person.

"I think I've really screwed up on this one, Nat" I breathed out, her eyes staring into me as she nodded her head slightly. "Oh you definitely have" she said as I immediately extended my hand, giving her a firm punch in the arm as she winced, holding onto her forearm as she rolled away from me slightly. "What the hell?" she exclaimed, sitting up as she looked at me with a distressed look on her face, checking her arm as if she was checking for an instant forming bruise or mark. "What?" she asked after I didn't reply for a moment, messaging out the place where I had hit her.

"You're meant to say that we can work this out" I told her, my eyes wide as I shifting slightly, making Nat nod her head frantically with wide eyes. "You seriously think you won't?" she asked, not looking for a particular answer as she let out a sharp exhale, turning to face me as she finally let go of her arm. "Steve is the most loyal person on this whole planet he'll be back in your bed tomorrow night" she explained like I was a child who didn't understand the concept of Santa not being real. I let out another deep sigh, deep down knowing that that would have been the case, but Steve's anger towards me was making me think otherwise this time.

"Do you think I should have told him?" I asked her, tilting my head to look at her as she looked over at me as well, shaking her head gently. "I think that it's not my place to tell you how he feels" Natasha replied to me gently, making me let out yet another sigh because deep down I knew that she was right. We both stayed silent for a few minutes, Natasha rolling onto her side as I placed my hands on my forehead, closing my eyes. "I'm going to sleep now" I told her, dropping my arms down by my side as Natasha let out a small him of agreement, already trying to get to sleep. I flipped onto my side, pulling the sheets around me as I closed my eyes, hoping that eventually sleep would come.


A/N: okay so i'm sorry for the last chapter which i'm hoping didn't leave too many of you Stally fans sobbing in the corner :))
i'm trying to make up with it with a little bit of natasha but it's still a little bit of a sad chapter so sorry for that lmao
i hope that you all had a very happy holidays, and I will be seeing you again before the end of the new year

A/N: okay so i'm sorry for the last chapter which i'm hoping didn't leave too many of you Stally fans sobbing in the corner :)) i'm trying to make up with it with a little bit of natasha but it's still a little bit of a sad chapter so sorry for th...

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