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I stood at the control panel, my fingers typing away on the keyboard as Bruce moved around me, flicking switches and making sure everything was plugged in properly

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I stood at the control panel, my fingers typing away on the keyboard as Bruce moved around me, flicking switches and making sure everything was plugged in properly. My hair was tied up in the same messy bun that I had put it in in the early hours of this morning, random strands falling down my neck but not having the time to fix it. Bruce and I had pretty much stayed up all night to make sure that everything was working perfectly for the tests today, we really couldn't afford for this to go wrong.

We had spent the better half of last night determining who should actually test out the machine. Steve kept looking over at me cautiously, waiting for my mouth to open and the words that would find me in the Quantum Realm spilling out, but they never did. I kept my promise. Natasha had offered to go as well, Bruce having the best excuse as why he couldn't be the test dummy, being needed to actually work the tunnel. Scott had overruled all of us, explaining that he understood how the Quantum Realm worked and that he would be the best person to act as a test dummy. Natasha stood down after that.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked Scott, who was sitting in a chair, his face looking a very nauseated colour of green. "Yeah, yeah, I'm great" Scott said with a nod of his head, completely contradicting himself as he bend over, resting in his head in his hands as he drew in a few deep breaths. "Here" Natasha said to Steve as she threw a plastic water bottle at him from the small mountain of them we had prepared for today, the blonde catching it easily as he held it out to Scott. "Just calm down" Steve said, patting Scott on the back a few times as he took the water bottle, inhaling it in a few gulps as Steve looked up at me with a worried glance.

"Okay, we are ready to get started" Bruce said cheerily with a big clap of his hands, the sound rumbling through the air as Scott let out a small whimper from his position. Bruce looked over at him, his smile faltering as he looked at me for some reassurance, being met with a small shrug of my shoulders. "Scott, fire up the van thing" Bruce told Scott who stood up, shaking out all his limbs as he pulled the back doors to the van portal open, picking up his helmet form the ground. "Breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby" Steve said as he looked around one more time, the sleeves to his shirt rolled up as he walked over to the control panel.

"Good cause if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose Tiny here in the 1950's" Bruce said as we all turned to him with a panicked look, making him let out a small nervous laugh. "Excuse me?" Scott asked, Natasha taking her place by my side as Scott somehow managed to turn an even darker side of green. "He's kidding" Natasha waved off, Bruce booting up the portal as it lit up, making a whirring noise that filled the silence for a moment. "You can't say things like that" Natasha scolded Bruce quietly, Steve helped Scott fix his suit as Bruce tried to laugh it off, instead sounding really dry and without humour. "It was a bad joke" he said with a smile as Scott nodded his head, Steve shooting me another worried glance for the hundredth time in the last hour alone.

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