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Breaking into STARK tower really wasn't as easy as I would have thought it to be

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Breaking into STARK tower really wasn't as easy as I would have thought it to be. Here I was, shimmying through the vents of the tower as I tried my hardest not to get stuck in the metal shaft. It was just wide enough for my shoulders to fit through but I have to keep my head ducked to avoid banging it off of the roof. For some reason, I had been given the job of breaking into the building through the vents instead of Scott, who could literally minimise himself into the size of an ant. I had to keep as quiet as possible to make sure that no one got suspicious of the creaking and possible swearing that would be coming from the ceiling vents, but every time I smashed my knee against the side I had to bite back a curse.

"What's the ETA of the sceptre?" I whispered as I shimmied through the vent, pushing myself forward by my feet as I used my elbows to pull my body up the shaft. "They were still posing up a storm" Tony replied to me, the sound quality sounding sharp in my ear considering he was back in his old clunky suit. "We" I corrected as I let out a heavy sigh, my elbow banging off of the metal vent as I closed my eyes for a moment, desperately wanting to get out of this enclosed space. "Yeah, whatever" Tony mumbled in reply as I came up to the grate that bled through light form the hallway it led to.

This vent should be in the ceiling of a hallway on the first floor, meaning I would have to get Steve inside the building and up to the penthouse before SHIELD showed up to take the sceptre. I set my hands on the edge of the vent, about to yank it from the ceiling tiles as I heard the squeak of shoes on the clean flowers. I stopped short as the vent came loose in my hand, making me hold it as close to it position as possible to avoid however was walking under me to see a hole in the roof. I held my breath, trying to keep as still as humanly possible to avoid mankind any loud noises.

"Ally? Are you almost in?" Steve asked me as I craned my neck over to the vent to see who was making finer way underneath me. "Give me a sec" I whispered back quickly, a group of men walking underneath me, the top of Sitwell's bald head making him recognisable instantly. "Pierce asked us to get the sceptre" Sitwell said as he tucked his phone into the pocket of his jacket, the group of SHIELD agents he was with stopping in front of the elevator as one of the men pushed the button. "There are already SHIELD agents being assigned to the transportation of the sceptre" one of them replied, Sitwell turning to look at him as they all fell silent as I watched.

"Well, you better handle that won't you?" Rumlow drawled at him as the agent nodded his head before turning around and making his way back the way they had come. The fact that Rumlow and Sitwell were already working for HYDRA already made me want to swing from the vent and knock them both out with a swift punch to the jaw, but I don't think that came under being inconspicuous. I had trusted all of the men standing in the hallway right now at one point, but they were all secretly working against me the whole time and 2012 Ally upstairs didn't even know it yet.

"We should just take the tesseract as well" Rumlow said to Sitwell as the elevator arrived for them all, ready to take them up to the penthouse to steal the sceptre. "That's not very discrete, is it Brock?" Sitwell asked condescendingly after the men filled into it after the doors opened, Rumlow and Sitwell being the two left out in the hallway as someone held the door open with their hand. "We've worked too hard to end this with an impulse of power" Sitwell said to the agent before taking a step into the elevator, Rumlow nodding his head as he followed after the rest of the team.

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