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The next thing I knew my feet were hitting the ground of a New York alleyway, rubble and chunks of bricks digging into the souls of my boots as I wobbles slightly

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The next thing I knew my feet were hitting the ground of a New York alleyway, rubble and chunks of bricks digging into the souls of my boots as I wobbles slightly. I set my hands out on either side of me, grabbing onto the abandoned car that was behind me, the windshield and most of the windows completely smashed. There were black dots darting around my eyes as I blinked a few times, a nauseous feeling overtaking my body as I put my hand on my stomach, scared that I was going to vomit.

Almost like magic the white suits we were wearing dematerialised from my body, revealing the tight black suit that I used to wear in 2012, the only thing missing being the baton that would seamlessly click onto the magnets on my back. I had scrounged up my old knives from storage, the black handles poking out of the pockets that lined the outside of my legs, the outline of the blades sitting against my legs. I looked around as I straightened up, Steve standing by the opposite alley wall in his classic bright blue and red suit, his circular shield strapped onto his arm. I don't understand why we ever let him wear that, you could spot him from a mile away.

"Are you okay?" he asked me as I nodded my head, Tony looking up and down the alley in his all black SHIELD gear he was wearing, the familiar logo sitting on his sleeve. "Yeah, I'm fine" I replied, nodding my head as I looked over at Scott, who was edging towards the end of the alleyway to look out onto the destroyed New York street. I could hear the destruction in the near distance, looking up to see countless Chitari soldiers flying over our heads, ready to rain fire on anyone they found. Chunks of buildings were broken off, glass and pieces of brick and stone scattered everywhere, cars lazily tipped over and pushed to the side of the road. Looking back on it now it was miraculous that New York ever got fixed after the destruction it went through.

"Alright, we all have our assignments" Steve said to us all, Bruce standing to my side in his black wife beater and pre cropped jeans that I had helped rip to make them look more authentic. "Two stones uptown and one stone down" Steve clarified, nodding his head at Bruce as I continued to watch the Chitari push their way down the street to the left of me, firing their guns at their targets. We had timed it so that the fighting would end soon, meaning that the nuke that was destined to hit New York was probably only about 3 minutes off shore right now as we stood here.  "Stay low and keep an eye on the clock" Steve said as there was a loud roaring sound, all of us turning to the right as Steve lifted his shield slightly.

Thankfully it wasn't Leviathon, but instead the Hulk, who came running down the street holding a taxi cab over his head. We all watched as he dropped it on top of a Chiatri, crushing the creature and cracking the concrete. There were more alien firing at him but the Hulk easily took the hits of the blasts, roaring at the creatures as he hopped on top of the car. He let out another loud roar as he jumped up and down several times, the whole vehicle crushing underneath him with each bounce, one of the Chitari soldiers firing at him even choosing to retreat away from the green monster. In a large leap the Hulk disappeared into the air, landing on the side of a building as it ripped the heads off of the bodies of a few of the aliens, blue goop running down his hands.

"Cool" Scott said with his eyes wide in amazement at the sight of the old uncontrollable Hulk. Bruce let out a heavy sigh as he covered his face with his hands in embarrassment, shaking his head at his past action. "Feel free to smash a few things along the way" Steve said to Bruce as he walked down the alleyway towards the road, pulling the vest off of him as he tore under his hands, leaving a clump of fabric on the floor. "I think it's gratuitous, but whatever" Bruce mumbled in reply as he lifting a fist, very half heartedly punching the roof of a car. It left a small dent, a very quiet rumble of a roar falling from his mouth as he rolled his eyes at having to act like the old Hulk. Bruce swept up a knocked over motorcycle, holding it in his hands as he lightly tossed it to the side of the road, flexing his arms as he let out a heavy sigh.

"Very Hulk like" I shouted after him as he turned to look at me, holding up one green finger in a rude gesture in my direction before stalking off down the road. "Alright, then" I mumbled as I lifted my hand up to pull my hair out of the ponytail it was sitting in on the top of my head. I had figured that it would be easier to wear up when time travelling - if that was even a normal thought to think about. "Are you ready?" Steve asked Tony, Scott and I, my hands working through the roots of my hair as I nodded my head at him reply, Scott doing that stupid thing where he hops on the spot a couple of times. "Let's do this, Captain America" Scott replied as Steve nodded his head at him awkwardly, starting to make his way out of the alleyway as I looked down at my hands quickly.

"Wait" I said to the three men, all of them turning to look at me. I quickly ran my hands over the top of the car, my palms being covered in dirt and dust as I walked over to Steve. I ran one of my hands over his cheek, being met with an exclamation of shock as I rubbed my other palm on my forehead. "What was that for?" Steve asked me as he tried to rub the dirt off of his face, as it smudged into his skin despite his efforts of trying to get it off. "We look too clean" I told him, dragging my hand over my neck, making myself filthy as a small piece of glass from the car dug into my palm.

"We need to look like we just fought off an army of aliens" I explained to him, Scott looking at my cautiously as if I was about to attack his face with dirt and dust next. "A little warning next time" Steve said to me before turning around and walking out to the road. I followed after them at the back of the group, pulling the shard of glass from my hand as blood trickled from the cut. I shrugged my shoulders as I smeared it on my cheek, guessing it would add to the messy look I was now supporting.


A/N: hello!
so another chapter just for you ;) and the time heist is officially kicking off so I hope you are all buzzed for it
In TFATWS news, whats everyone's thoughts on episode 3? SPOILERS BELOW FOR IT
I loved the scenes of Bucky going all Winter Solider again (as much as it makes me sad to see him sad) but what can I say I am a sucker for a good action scene. One thing I will say is that I get villain vibes for Sharon,, and I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing being on a hero to villain plot line PLEASE
the new Loki trailer got released today and it looks BOMB I am so so so hyped for it - what about you guys?
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you soon

 One thing I will say is that I get villain vibes for Sharon,, and I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing being on a hero to villain plot line PLEASE the new Loki trailer got released today and it looks BOMB I am so so so hyped for it - what ...

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