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I found myself lying in a puddle of murky water, the air around me smelling burnt and dusty. I let out a groan as I rolled onto my side, my hair sticking to my wet neck as I rubbed my eyes with the sleeve of my suit. There was rubble all around me, stone and metal destroyed as I kicked a piece of fallen foundation off of my foot. It took me a moment to figure out where I was, lights flashing and alarms blaring in the distance. I looked around, clicking the torch that was on Natasha's widow bites, lights shining from my wrists as it illuminated the tunnel I found myself in.

"Clint?" I said, pushing myself onto my feet as I stumbled on the uneven ground, making my way over to my friend who lay face down in the dirty water. I shined the light on him as I rolled him onto his side, thankfully making him cough and groan in pain. The light shone onto his face as he squinted at me, adjusting his quill on his back as he grimaced in pain. "Are you okay?" I said to him, using my hand to hold up his chin as he stared at me blankly, his eyebrows furrowed at me. "What?" he shouted at me, his eyes squinted as the sound of running water made me look on either side of me, discovering we were in the sewers.

"Are you okay?" I asked him again, my hands on either of his arms as I helped him get up to his feet. "I can't hear you" he shouted at me again, his hands going up to his ears and trying to clear them out, rubbing them over and over again. "What?" I said to him, the red blinking lights illuminating our faces in intervals as I scrunched my eyebrows at his panic. "My ears they've" he started, my hands grabbing either side of his face as I pulled him out of the stress he was in, pulling his eyes towards me urgently. "We need to get out of here" I said to him, pronouncing each syllable as he nodded his head, his eyes on my lips as he read what I had said to him.

I lifted my arm at the large hole that was above us, seeing nothing but chunks of rubble and tree roots that let me know that we were multiple stories under ground. There was water leaking around us, the sound of metal groaning and creaking from all the pressure they were under accompanying the sound of dripping water. "Steve?" I called out, being met with the echo of my own voice, Clint standing up slowly as he grabbed onto my arm to steady him. He dusted himself off, reaching down and grabbing his bow that had been knocked off of his back in his fall.

"Anyone?" I shouted, smacking my ear to try and get the comms to work, no one replying to me as I let out a sigh. "Ally" Clint said as I turned to look at what he was kneeling by, seeing the red gauntlet with all the stones resting in the knuckles shining back at us, covered in a thick layer of dust. I walked over to him, moving the large stones aside as I pulled it from the ground, holding it against my body under my arm. "Guess we'll be taking this too" I muttered as I started walking down the tunnel, Clint following along behind us as he climbed over piles of debris and rubble.

A low snarl echoed off of the walls as my whole body tensed in response to it, my head whipping around as Clint looked at me. He still couldn't hear as he kept walking, my feet freezing in place as he looked at me for some sort of explanation. He stopped as I nodded my head town the tunnel, clicking the light on my wrist off as he nodded his head, lifting his bow to his chest. He slowly grabbed an arrow him his quicker, clicking into place as he drew back the bow string with a small twang of a sound.

Clint let the arrow fly through the air as it glowed, showing us the grotesque alien creatures that were silently making their way towards us. My grip on the gauntlet tightened under my arm as I looked over at Clint, a silent agreement striking between us as we both took off in the opposite direction, growls chasing after us. We were fleeing as fast as possible, but it was majorly slowed down by the fact we were having to launch ourselves over broken pipes and piles of bricks, the aliens being too quick on all fours.

In moments like these I wish I had a long range weapon as I clicked an electric disc from the holster on my hip, throwing it behind me as I hoped it attached itself to an alien. From the sound of a gut wrenching scream that bounced off the walls it did, the rest of the creatures just getting more angry. Clint fired arrow after arrow behind us, managing to land a few as we focused on jumping over huge chunks of concrete and metal that was blocking our path.

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