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I walked down the hallway of the living area, Steve walking in front of me as I followed him silently, knowing that this was going to end up in a fight

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I walked down the hallway of the living area, Steve walking in front of me as I followed him silently, knowing that this was going to end up in a fight. We had left Natasha and Scott in the garage, the pair of them lingering awkwardly because they knew exactly what was about to happen. Steve stopped in front of the door to our room, typing in the code quickly as he Steve walked into the room, not even holding the door for me. I walked in after him, letting the door fall close behind me as I stood there awkwardly as I watched pulling his arms from his jacket before he threw it onto the bed with a heavy sigh.

His hands rested on his hips as he stared at the ground, not saying a single word. I didn't say anything as I watched him silently, not knowing exactly what to say to him, especially since I could tell he was just waiting to blow up like a bomb. "Steve" I started, taking a step towards him as he turned to look at me, dropping his arms by his side as he raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry" I added as he stared at blankly, my hands pushing my hair behind my ears as I let out a small breath. "How long have you been lying to me?" he asked me, his voice quiet but at the same time not calm, which made me much more nervous than if he just raised his voice.

"I never lied" I argued, shaking my head as he let out a scoff, crossing his arms as he raised his eyebrows at me as if he found my excuse funny. "What would you call it then?" he asked me, making me think as I took a small step towards him, shrugging my shoulders quickly. "Compartmentalisation" I replied, Steve letting out a laugh which was so empty that it genuinely made him smile at my pitiful reason. "If you don't tell them the whole story they can't tell anyone else the secret" I added, shaking my head as he walked towards me, pointing his finger at me as I shrunk slightly.

"Don't you dare pull that bullshit with me" he said, finally showing how angry he was at me as I let out a sigh, closing my eyes for a moment. "Steve" I countered, trying to keep my voice calm instead of shouting as Steve took a step back, covering his eyes with one hand. "You never told me a single time you went to go and see Tony" he said, his voice raised slightly as I shrugged my shoulders again, watching as Steve paced the room. "I didn't know if Tony and Pepper wanted me to tell you" I replied, raising my voice up to match his as we stared at each other as if we were about to start fighting each other.

"It just would have been nice to know where you were going" he said, leaning forward as he held his hands out on either side of him, making me retract slightly as I turned to the side. "I" I started, struggling to get out anymore words before he interrupted me, barely even letting me speak in the first place. "What was your go to lie?" he asked me, his voice lowered as he stood there quizzically, waiting for my answer to enlighten him. "Lunch with Natasha" I replied quietly, crossing my arms as I looked down at the floor, realising how often I had lied about going to see Tony in the past 5 years. "Did you ever even go to brunch with her?" Steve asked through a scoff, not needing an answer to his question as i looked back over at him, the pain visible on his face.

"And the kid" he added, making my drop my hands by my side as I nodded my head at him. His voice broke as he stared at me, his eyes clearly telling me that he was slightly jealous of the fact Tony had been able to start a family. "Morgan" I filled in for him, Steve nodding his head as he kept his eye contact. "Nothing about her either" Steve told me as I contemplated telling him more for a moment, realising that I probably should keep it from him any longer. "She's my goddaughter" I told him, making his eyes widen as he let out a dry laugh, shaking his laugh.

"She's your" he started, not being able to continue his sentence as he turned away again, staring at the windows as he paid me no more attention. "Oh the story just keeps getting better" he said with a shake of his head, his eyes wide as I held my hands out, gesturing at him helplessly.

"You and Tony haven't spoken in 5 years it's not my place to tell you about his daughter" I shouted, finally losing it as I held my hands out on either side of myself, needing to hold my own in this argument now. "You have been lying to me, for years now" Steve shouted back at me, pointing his finger as he came a bit closer to me, shaking his head. "I'm sorry" I shouted, shrugging my shoulders as my heavy breathing filled the air, Steve turning away from me and tilting his head back as he stared at the ceiling for a moment. "It would have been nice to know about it" Steve said finally, lowering his voice as he let out a small groan, looking back over at me with his eyebrows raised, letting me put in my final word.

"It wasn't my place to tell you" I said with a sigh as I shrugged my shoulders, making Steve scoff as he shook his head, looking past me for a brief moment. He let out another sigh before walking towards me, moving around me as he pulled the door open, leaving the room as I turned to look at him. "Steve" I said, walking after him as I grabbed the door before it closed, swinging out into the hall to see where he was going and why he had just walked out like that in the middle of an argument.

"Steve" I called after him again, standing at the bedroom door as I watched him walk down the long hall, pulling open the door that separates the living quarters from the rest of HQ. He walked straight through it, not replying to any of my shouts as he disappeared round the corner. "Can we please talk about this?" I shouted after him, watching as the door closed shut, my voice echoing through the quiet hall as I let out a sigh. I bowed my head, covering my face with my hands as I walked over to the wall, leaning my head against it. I groaned loudly, already having known that this wasn't going to be as easy as an apology. "Fuck" I said under my breath as I slapped the wall with my hand, the loud thud reciprocating around as I closed my eyes tightly, my hair falling around my face.


A/N: merry christmas eve everyone!
this isn't a very happy chapter for this festive day but I hadn't updated I na few days and I felt like I need to before christmas
so no relationship is as breezy as Ally and Steve's has been so there obviously had to be a little bit of a rocky patch and here it is
I hope you all have an amazing christmas and holiday period, hopefully I will see you all again before the end of the year!
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you all again soon

A/N: merry christmas eve everyone! this isn't a very happy chapter for this festive day but I hadn't updated I na few days and I felt like I need to before christmasso no relationship is as breezy as Ally and Steve's has been so there obviously ha...

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