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Steve and I were outside, the shade is a tree welcoming us in the outline of its shadow as we sat on a laid out blanket

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Steve and I were outside, the shade is a tree welcoming us in the outline of its shadow as we sat on a laid out blanket. The air was warm, the sun beaming down on us as we were surrounded by the smell of green grass and the crisp fresh summer air. We both lay down, my head resting on Steve's stomach as one of his hands methodically playing my hair as his fingertips grazed my scalp every once in a while. His chest raise and fell to a beat as I shifted slightly with each breath he was taking, an arm resting behind his head to pad his head from the hard ground.

We had been outside for an undeterminable measure of time, the quiet welcoming us in our peaceful states as we lounged around in the sun. I took in Steve's scent as I stared up at the sky, watching the clouds slowly roll over us. I closed my eyes for a moment, letting out a deep breath and feeling as if I could fall asleep in this perfect moment. It was a moment of calm before an unpredictable storm. The quiet moments which I loved so dearly.

There wasn't much normality in Steve and I's life, which is why we enjoyed the last 5 years so much. Waking up every morning next to each other, going for runs and cooking dinner before falling asleep in each other's arms again. It was as perfect as life could get. We had hung up our suits, thinking that we were done to live the rest of our lives in peace, but obviously we ended up back at square one. This wasn't a life that could be so easily avoided.

"Al?" Steve asked, his voice vibrating through his abdomen and into the back of my head, moving through my body as I shifted slightly. "What?" I asked him, Steve hand in my hair holding still as I let out a small breath through my nose. "I love you" Steve said, his tone indicating that he wasn't exactly telling me, rather than reminding me that he did. "I know" I told him, Steve letting out a small sigh of relief as he shifted slightly, propping his elbows up behind him as he lifted up his head to look at me. "Okay, good" he said, grabbing my hand in his as he lifted it up to his lips, kissing the back of my hand gently as I smiled up at him, not being met with one back.

"Don't go betting on any horses or stopping your parents from meeting one another" Steve added, resting both of our hands on his chest as I furrowed my eyebrows, staying silent. "We haven't even tested this thing out yet" I said with a small laugh, wondering why Steve was freaking out already when we didn't even know if the machine works or not. "And you want to volunteer" Steve stated, making me hold my breath for a moment as I waited a beat, which I realised was a mistake. "No" I said quickly, Steve letting out a sigh, knowing that my hesitation meant that I was lying.

"Yes you do" Steve accused as I let out a deep breath, I rolled onto my stomach, shifting slightly so that I was leaning on my elbows, Steve sitting up right as he propped up one of his knees. "Okay, maybe I do" I admitted quietly with a small shrug of my shoulders, Steve's face dropped, making me shake my head at him. "Bruce won't allow it anyway I need to run the code on the machine" I clarified, Steve's body relaxing as he nodded his head with a small sigh of relief. "Good" he breathed out, looking away from me as my eyes narrowed on him, reading his face in silence.

"You can't do it" I said after a few moments, realising that he was probably debating the idea just as much as I was. He stared at me for a moment, and I could see him trying to put on the best poker face he could, but he could tell that I would see straight through it. "Why not?" he asked as I scoffed, shaking my head and resting my chin on my fists in front of me. "Because I don't know how well this is going to work" I explained, Steve furrowing his eyebrows as his head rolled to the side in deliberation, his eyes still trained on me. "So you were confident enough to test it but you won't let me use it?" he asked me, making me not my head at him slowly.

"Yeah" I retorted with another shrug of my shoulders, Steve letting out a sigh as he raised his eyebrows at me in question. "What if I read a 0 or 1 wrong and you end up with the dinosaurs" I said to him as a small smile cracked on his lips, shaking his head as he itched his eyebrow thoughtfully. "That won't happen because I believe in you" Steve said as I rolled my eyes, letting out a sigh that mirrored his as we stared at each other, my fist clenching as I pointed my finger at him. "If you think you have the authority to tell me not to volunteer that means I can tell you you can't volunteer" I wagered, knowing that Steve would have to take it into account after he had just said I wasn't allowed to.

He nodded his head slowly, lying back down flat on the blanket as he rolled onto his side, putting his hand against his ear to prop him up. "Look the whole 'till death do us part' thing only works if we aren't dead before the wedding" I wagered to him, dangling the thought og our vows right in front of his nose, which was a low blow I will admit but I knew that it would work. Steve stared at me for a moment, his blue eyes glazed in the sun that shone down on him to make him look like a gift from heaven. A smile curled on his lips as I tilted my head to the side, giving him a confused glance. "What?" I asked him with a small laugh, feeling a little small under his look of admiration.

"That's the first time you've mentioned a wedding" he said quietly, biting the bait I had set in front of him, making me roll my eyes as I leaned my cheek against one of my palms. "No it's not, I've mentioned it before" I shrugged off, shaking my head as Steve let out a laugh, moving his body so he was more angled towards me, his head much closer  to mines. "You mentioned how you don't want to talk about a wedding yet" he whispered, his white teeth flashing in his stupid goofy looking grin as he raised his eyebrows at me. I let out a small sigh as I shrugged my shoulders at him, crossing my arms on the blanket as I bowed my head, leaning my forehead against them.

"It's got to happen one day" I mumbled, Steve reaching out to me as he smoothed my hair against the back of my head, leaning in closer as he lips lingered close to my ears. "I won't volunteer" he whispered to me, his breath hitting against my skin as I lifted up my head, out noses very close to nudging against each other. "Thank you" I replied, closing my mouth as Steve raised his eyebrows, waiting for the rest of my sentence as I held my breath for a moment, hoping that he wouldn't make me say it. "I also won't" I replied after a few beats of silence, Steve raising an eyebrow as he tilted his head to the side slightly, still waiting for the end of my sentence. "Won't what?" he asked, making me roll my eyes playfully as my hand snaked up his neck, holding his jaw in my hand as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Volunteer" I finished finally, Steve smirking at me again as he went to kiss me, making me recoil ever so slightly to tease him a little  bit. "Till death do us part right?" Steve asked me, his eyes flickering down to my lips briefly as I let out a small deep humming noise in protest. "Let's go back to not talking about a wedding" I said as Steve let out a loud laugh, finally closing the space between us as he pushed his lips into mine, his smile pressing through the smile as I laughed along with him.


A/N: some true Stally fluff for you to ride you over for now lmao
new episode of WandaVision came out yesterday and omg it was so good! spoilers head so stop reading if you haven't watched it.
it's going to be so interesting to see how it all turns out, especially now that Vision is slowly cracking the code that something isn't right. When Wanda mentioned Pietro my mouth literally fell open I am so hooked to see what happened to Gereldine (who I am positive is actually Monica Rambeau from Captain Marvel) and I can't wait for next week, let me know what you all thought!!
please don't forget to vote and comment and i will see you soon

 When Wanda mentioned Pietro my mouth literally fell open I am so hooked to see what happened to Gereldine (who I am positive is actually Monica Rambeau from Captain Marvel) and I can't wait for next week, let me know what you all thought!!please ...

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