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Natasha walked back into the room, a glass of water in her hand as she held it out to Scott, who took it from her with a thank you, gulping it down in only a few sips

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Natasha walked back into the room, a glass of water in her hand as she held it out to Scott, who took it from her with a thank you, gulping it down in only a few sips. It was pitch black outside now, the lights shining down on us as we all sat around the conference table, papers still scattered everywhere. We had spent the last 5 hours picking apart Scott's brain with every question we could even remotely think of, Scott being exhausted but being a good sport after 3 more peanut butter sandwiches and a can of soda.

"Let me get this straight" Steve said, Scott looking over at him from the chair he was in, his elbow propped up on the rest of his chair and his eyes struggling to stay open. "So in the back of this van of yours, is a" Steve started, not knowing how to finish his sentence as Scott shifted in his seat, letting out a heavy sigh. "A small scale Quantum Tunnel" Scott replied, his voice scratchy as he cleared his throat, scratching his eyebrow as Steve nodded his head silently. I let out a deep sigh, leaning back in my chair and closing my eyes for a moment, rubbing my nose with the back of my hand.

"Look, maybe we should call it a night" I said, looking over at Nat who was leaning against the bookshelf with her head against it, nodding her head in agreement with me. "Nat, can we get Scott a room?" I asked her, making her sigh as she stood up straight, Scott shifting in his seat as he stifled a yawn, covering his mouth with his hand. "Yeah, sure" Natasha said quietly as she pushed her hair behind her ears, pointing a finger between Steve and I as I leaned my forehead on my hand tiredly. "Are you two staying?" she asked us as Steve looked over at me with his eyebrows raised, making me nod my head at him slightly.

"Probably, it might be best" Steve replied for the both of us, Natasha nodding her head as she motioned towards Scott with a nod of her head. "Old room is exactly where it used to be" she said as Steve nodded his head, clasping his hands on the table as he leaned forward. "Thanks" I told her, slouching down in my chair as Scoff stood up, setting his empty glass onto the table cautiously. "C'mon" Natasha told him as she started walking out of the room, Scoff turning towards Steve and I as he looked over the table at us. "I'll um, see you guys tomorrow I guess" he said as he shot us a small wave, walking out of the room to catch up with Natasha who was already half way down the hallway.

The room fell silent with just Steve and I in it, my head leaning against the back of the chair as I closed my eyes, my hands clasped over my stomach. Steve leaned forward on the table, putting his head into his hands as his breathing turned much more rhythmic, matching mines as we both rested in the quiet. "What do you think?" Steve asked me, his voice muffled from his covered mouth as I let out a small sigh, rolling my head to the side to look at him. "That I need an aspirin and a cup of coffee" I replied, making him let out a chuckle as he leaned back in his chair, turning it to look at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Ditto" Steve sighed as I shook my head, wiping under my eyes with my thumbs as Steve smirked over at me. "This is crazy" I said through a half laugh, still in shock from what exactly had just happened, and honestly I didn't even know. "I mean, first Clint is alive and now we can time travel?" I asked, Steve nodding his head as he resting his cheek on his hand, being just as tired as I was. We had only come down to visit Natasha for a while, seeing if she wanted to order something for dinner, but those plans had clearly been derailed since we showed up.

"What comes next right?" Steve joked, letting out a small sigh as he kept his eyes on me, raising his eyebrows. "I've already been to space" I countered, shrugging my shoulders, leaning my head against the back of the chair, the tiredness starting to take a toll on my body. "Maybe we can live on the moon" Steve said as I looked over at him, scrunching up my nose at his suggestion. "That's not that out there, Carol has probably spent the night" I said as Steve ran his hand down his face with a heavy exhale, struggling to take in all of this new information which we had been thrown in only a few hours.

"I miss the days where I was the best thing to come from science" Steve said through his breath as I let out a small light laugh, nodding my head as I closed my eyes for a moment. "Me too" I said as the pair of us fell silent for a few minutes, basking in the quiet as Steve and. rested for a quick moment. "How are we even meant to do this?" Steve finally asked, his voice rippling through the silence as I opened my eyes again, looking back over at him. "Go back and what exactly, kill Thanos before he even starts looking for the stones?" he asked, making me snap my fingers as I pointed my hand at him lazily. "I've seen Back to the Future, I don't think that'll work" I told him, making him nod his head as if my point was completely valid, which I think it was right now.

"I mean, we can't do this surely" Steve said, sounding quite defeated as he leaned forward in his chair a little bit, making me open my mouth as I shut it quickly again. The idea was swimming around in my head, but the real question was if I was brave enough to say it or not. As soon as I suggested my idea I knew that this would all become real, and there was a part of me that didn't want it to be true. "Maybe we can't" I started after a few beats, Steve looking over at me as I stared at him, my mouth hanging open slightly as I pushed the words off of the tip of my tongue.

"But I know someone who might"


A/N: we all know exactly what Ally is thinking but I don't think any of us are ready for the Steve and Tony reunion
I know I sound like a broken record but I would just like to premise once more that I have no idea how i'm going to end this book (my head is legit empty) so please message me your ideas and I will love you forever and give you full credit for it
this is the end of my very small mass update this time around because i've been making sure the chapters are really good before putting them out for you but I will be updating this book as regularly as I possibly can!
please do not forget to vote and comment and i will see you soon

A/N: we all know exactly what Ally is thinking but I don't think any of us are ready for the Steve and Tony reunion I know I sound like a broken record but I would just like to premise once more that I have no idea how i'm going to end this book (...

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