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I sat down in a chair, slumped down slightly as I rested my arm out on the table, flipping a random pen I had found through my fingers, my eyes fixated to it

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I sat down in a chair, slumped down slightly as I rested my arm out on the table, flipping a random pen I had found through my fingers, my eyes fixated to it. We all were gathered in the lap, Steve leaning against a work bench and Scott siting further down the table, his head in his hands as he drew in deep breaths like he had just been on a run. Natasha was sitting on the table, resting her feet on one of the chairs as she tapped her hand against the side of her thigh, the silence in the air so thick that it would probably stop a bullet.

We had spent the better half of the morning debating what our next move was, and every solution any of us had came to a sharp dead end. Steve had barely said anything to me directly, throwing out his ideas to the room and not responding to anything that I was saying. Natasha has stayed in my bed last night, and when I had woken up Steve had already abandoned the couch in the living room, a blanket and pillow folded neatly at the end, almost as if he had wanted me to confirm to me that had slept there. It hurt just as much as when Natasha had told me.

Scott let out a heavy breath, straightening up his back and clicking the pen he had in his hand, looking down at the notebook that was sitting in front of him. He brought his pen down on the paper as he angrily scored off another one of his ideas that we had agreed again, that being the very last one he had on his list. Apparently Scott had spent the whole of the night trying to think of ideas, and the fact that not a single one of them was plausible making him extremely angry.

"Can we convince him?" Scott asked, his sharp tone cutting through the silence as we all turned to look at him, Steve crossing his arms over his chest slowly. "When Tony says no he means no" Steve replied with a small shake of his head, Scott letting out a sigh as he held out a hand in front of him like he was trying to barter with Steve. "Yeah but" Scott began to me object causing me to slam the pen into the table with a thud, all eyes falling onto me. "He has a family to protect now" I said, shaking my head with a smidge of hostility as I looked at Scott, raising my eyebrows. "He's not going to help us" I added, small traces of my anger leaking through my words, which I wasn't intending, the fight between Steve and I still lingering in my brain.

"What about you?" Scott asked, nodding his head at me as I stared back at him blankly, blinking a few times as I tried to figure out what they were doing. "What about me?" I asked him, clenching my fist on the table as I shrugged my shoulders at him, waiting for a reply as he waved his hands at me like he was a magician showing off their trick. "You know stuff" he said to me, making my scrunch my eyebrows together as I stared at him for a moment. "Not inter dimensional quantum physics" I replied, shaking my head as he leaned forward in his chair slightly, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. "But back at Stark's house you answered that question" he countered, making me shake my head as I rolled my eyes at him quickly.

"Scott, I've listened to one audiobook, I don't have a PHD" I snapped back, stretching my hand out next to my head as Scott let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair in defeat. "There's got to be someone else right?" he asked, speaking much more quietly than he was moments ago, looking like a sulking child who had just been shouted at. "Not as good as Tony" I said with a shake of my head, leaning back in my chair again as I crossed my arms, feeling like this small glimpse of hope had ended before it even began. We all sat in complete silence, everyone feeling so depleted that there was no point in talking anymore.

Natasha hoped off of the table, her eye wide as she looked over at me, pointing her finger brightly like she had just had a great idea. "There is one person" Natasha said as she turned around, Steve straightening up as he dropped his arms down by his side, looking at her quizzically. "Who?" he asked, Natasha shaking her head as she fished her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans. "Just leave it with me" she replied, not even looking up form her phone as she walked towards the door, pulling it open as she pushed her phone into her ear. "Natasha" I called after her, making her turn around to look at me as she nodded her head, a small smile on her face.

"Trust me" she called back to me, raising her eyebrows quickly before the door closed, leaving her walking down the hall on the other side as we all looked confused. The room fell to an odd quiet once again, Steve letting out a sigh as he shook his head at Natasha just leaving like that without giving us anymore information. "Who is she calling?" Scott asked Steve and I as I shrugged my shoulders, propping up my elbow on the arm rest of the chair as I rested my forehead against my fist. "I have no idea" I replied as Steve remained quiet, quickly shrugging his shoulders as well as Scott let out a heavy sigh.

There was a small ringing noise as Scott shifted in his chair, pulling his phone from his pocket as he looked down at it quickly. "I need to take this" Scott said, looking up between Steve and I as he slapped his phone off of his palm, the ringtone still sounding through the room. "It's my daughter" he clarified, standing up as I nodded my head at him, telling him it was alright for him to leave now, not like we were having much of a conversation. "I'll let you know when Natasha gets back to us" I replied to him as he thanked me quickly, pushing his chair back in under the table as he left the room quickly, also pressing his phone into his ear.

"This is so crazy" I breathed out, leaning my elbows on the table as I rested my face in my hand, closing my eyes tightly. "I need to go" Steve said to me a little too quickly, making me look up at him to see his eyes boring straight into me. We stared at each other for a few beats, Steve clearing his throat as he made his way towards the door. "Steve" I said, my voice cracking as he stopped, turning to look towards me as I looked at him helplessly, shaking my head slightly as a shaky breath escaped from between my lips. "Please" I begged, being met with his blue eyes for only the briefest moment. Steve turned around again, leaving the room without saying a single syllable, leaving me alone in the room, my breathing hitching as I set my face back in my hands.


A/N: this also isn't a very cheery chapter but it is the last one do 2019 so I felt like I needed to upload something
2020 has been a horrible year for people all over the world and I hope that whatever 2021 brings it will be better in every way shape or form
however in 2020 I made some big milestones on Wattpad, my Red Room book hit 200k reads which is CRAZY, my Gilbert Blythe book *cough cough go check it out* also hit 200k and I am so very grateful for every single one of you who is reading my books
I hope you all have a lovely new year's eve, please stay at home and don't be a dick by going to see your friends because people are still dying
here's to 2021!!

A/N: this also isn't a very cheery chapter but it is the last one do 2019 so I felt like I needed to upload something 2020 has been a horrible year for people all over the world and I hope that whatever 2021 brings it will be better in every way s...

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