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The large windows of the warehouse were letting in the morning sun as it filtered through the glass, spilling its warmth and light into the heavy room

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The large windows of the warehouse were letting in the morning sun as it filtered through the glass, spilling its warmth and light into the heavy room. It flickered as the sun fell behind clouds, the bright rays of light being blocked. It was due to rain later. We stood up on the glass platform with the new white suits covering our actual mission suits, hopefully they would protect us from whatever may be thrown our way in the Quantum Tunnel. I looked around at everyone quickly, Rhodey and Nebulla talking quietly as if they were scared to break the silence that blanketed the room. Thor was staring silently ahead of him, barely moving except from blinking every once in a while, it was slightly unsettling. Steve stood by my side, his hands sitting on his hips in true Steve Rogers fashion, a blank expression on his face as he watched me closely.

"The suits feel weird" Steve said to me with a small smile, clearly trying to lighten to mood a little bit from the dreary atmosphere that coated the warehouse. "We aren't in them for very long" I said to him, pressing out the best smile I could as I lifted my hand, brushing back a strand of his hair that had fallen over his forehead. Steve caught my hand by my wrist, kissing the palm of my hand gently as he gave my hand a small comforting squeeze, the small gesture being enough to calm my heart down a little bit. "How we looking?" I asked, both Bruce and Tony standing at the control panel as they made their final adjustments to ensure that we would have a perfect journey to the respective destinations.

"Looking like we will be ready in 5" Bruce replied to me, nodding his head as his glasses slipped down his nose slightly, his green hand pushing them back up in a rush. "Neat" I replied, my voice getting caught in my throat as I let out a small cough to clear it, turning towards the rest of the team. Natasha and Clint were standing silently side by side, Nat's fingers playing with the end of her braid, fiddling with her hair like she always did when she was nervous. It wasn't often you would catch Natasha Romanoff in a nervous state, but when you did it normally meant that you should probably be just as scared.

"Let me see it one more time" Rocket said to Clint, his small ames crossed over his chest as Clint let out a heavy sigh. He opened the small pocket that had been sewn into the palm of his glove, slipping out the tiny sized ship that had been shrunk down for easier transportation. Rocket looked at it, nodding his head as he let out a heavy sigh, not wanting to part with his prized spaceship. "You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?" Rocket asked him, Clint nodding his head dismissively as he ticked the small ship back into the pocket to keep it secure.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do my best" Clint replied half heartedly, Rocket narrowing his eyes as he tilted his head to the side. "As far as promises go, that was pretty lame" Rocket said as he grimaced at Clint, who chose just to ignore the raccoon and his constant insults. Tony made his way up the ramp and onto the platform, rubbing his hands together as he took his place on the other side of Steve. He slapped Steve on the back, nodding his head as they looked at each other for a moment. "You're up, Cap" Tony confirmed, nodding his head as everyone turned to look at Steve after hearing Tony's words in the room of silence. Steve cleared his throat lightly, looking down at the ground for a moment as he scrunched his eyebrows together like he did when he was sorting his thoughts.

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