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I stood off to the side of the room, my teeth chewing methodically on my nail as I watched on with shaking breaths. Tony moved his hands through the air as the machine followed his actions, carefully moving the stones through the air to place them into the red gauntlet that was being held in a case. The stones all fell into place as the robotic arms let go, all six of them glowing back at us as we all watched tentitively. I wrapped my arms tighter around myself, stood in one of Steve's hoodies that was so large on me it incased my hands. I chewed on the side of my nail, knawing it off as I tried not to think too much about what was happening.

"Boom" Rocket shouted as Tony and Bruce flinched slightly, the racoon laughing at his own joke as Tony poked him with the end of the screwdriver that was in his hand, the animal hissing at the man. "It's ready" Bruce said, running a hand over his large face as I stood up straight, my breathing deepening as Steve looked over to me.

He moved around the table he was leaning against, pressing his shoulder into the wall I was standing against as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead. He pushed both his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, watching the proceedings of the room with me from our stand point. "The real question is who is going to snap their freaking fingers?" Rocket asked looking at all of us as I pressed my lips into a firm line.

"I will" Thor stated as he started striding over to the gauntlet, Scott holding out his hand to block his path. "Excuse me?" Scott asked the god, who simply swatted his hand away from him, walking towards the glove once again. "No, no, no" Steve said as he and Tony tried to intercept Thor's path, his hand outstretched as he went to grab the gauntlet. "Whoa, just wait a second" Steve said, setting his hands on Thor's chest and giving him a slight shove of deterrent. "We haven't decided who's going to put it on yet" Steve told him as Thor let out a laugh, nodding his head towards the 6 stones that were resting in the red glove.

"So we will just sit around waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor countered, holding his hands out on either side of him. "We should at least discuss it" Scott replied with an outstretched hand, Thor letting out a heavy sigh of annoyance. "Sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back" Thor replied as he turned towards Tony, pushing a finger into his own chest. "I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So this responsibility falls upon me" the god said, Tony shaking his head as he dismissed everything Thor was saying.

"It's not about that" Tony replied with his hands outstretched, stepping in front of Thor to make him take a few steps back. Thor sushed him, refusing to let him speak as he shook his head repeatedly in protest. "Just let me do something good" Thor begged, grabbing Tony's hands as he started to choke up, having to clear his throat.

"It's not just the fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent, I'm telling you, you're in no condition" Tony said softly, as if he was telling off Morgan for not eating all of her dinner. "What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor asked as his bottom lip trembled slightly in emotion.

"Cheez Whiz?" Rhodey mumbled under his breath, which caused Clint to stifle a small laugh and for Steve to shoot Rhodey a look that could kill. "Lightning" Thor whispered, as if he was trying to convince us all of it as well. He was right of course, we had seen how powerful he is in action, but that was a couple thousand beers ago, and with his mental state who knew if he still had it in him.

"Lightning won't help you, it's gotta be me" Bruce said as we all turned to look at him, the large green man staring down the glove. "You saw what those stones did to Thanos, it almost killed him and none of you could survive" he said as he looked back at all of us, shaking his head slowly. I wasn't jumping out of my skin to volunteer, but I didn't want my friends doing something that could kill them.

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