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I sat up on the table, my feet planted on the chair I had pulled out and my elbows leaning on my knees impatiently

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I sat up on the table, my feet planted on the chair I had pulled out and my elbows leaning on my knees impatiently. Steve stood in front of me, his arms crossed and his feet shoulder width apart, Natasha standing off to the side with a very hard look on her face like an animal who was ready to strike on their prey. Scott paced the room, shaking his hands on either side of him as the three of us stared at him his jittery movements kind of freaking me out as my eyes followed his steps from left to right.

"Do you need to sit down?" I asked Scott who ignored me completely, dragging his hands down his face as he let out a low groan. Steve looked back at me, a questionable look on his face as I shrugged my shoulders at him, just as confused on Scott's current shaken state. Steve turned back around, furrowing his eyebrows at Scott as he muttered something to himself, his sneakers shuffled along the floor hurriedly. "Scott, do you need to sit down?" Steve asked him, Scoff finally paying attention as he turned to look at the three of us, his eyes wide and frantic.

"Have you ever studied Quantum Physics?" Scott asked as all eyes in the room were on him, his feet finally staying still as he held his hands out of either side of him. "I mean, I dabbled" I replied, the silence indicating that Steve and Natasha were waiting for me to say something, not having their own answer to the question. "Good enough" Scott said in reply as he pointed a finger at me, nodding his head as he let out a heavy sigh. "Five years ago, right before Thanos and the snap thing, you guys know what happened obviously" He rambled, making Steve sigh as he took a few steps back, leaning against the table next to me as he looked over at Natasha who kept her eyes on Scott.

"Anyway, I was in this place called the Quantum Realm, it's like it's own microscopic universe and to get there you have to be incredibly small" he continued, shaking his hands in front of him as he tried to realign all the thoughts in his head to tell us, but he was clearly having great difficulty. "Hope, she's my or she was my" Scott stuttered, his face falling as he looked away from us all for a moment, making me purse my lips, wanting to let him tell his story without any interruptions, but it was getting harder.

"Well anyway, she was supposed to pull me out but them Thanos happened and I got stuck in there" Scott said as he looked back at us all, Natasha letting out a small breath as she pushed her hands into the pockets of her jeans. "I'm sorry, that must've been a very long five years for you" Natasha said as Scott looked over at her, shaking his head quickly as he held his hand out, taking a step closer to us all. "Yeah but it wasn't five years for me, it was barely five hours" Scott said as I lifted my elbows off of my knees, straightening my back and staring at it, a bewildered look on my face.

Steve looked back at me, a similar look on his face as I shook my head, turning back to Scott as he stared back at me with a tentative glance. "What are you talking about?" I asked him, Steve turning back to look at him as Scott pointed at the peanut butter sandwich that sat on the plate next to me. "Is that anyone's sandwich or can I eat it? I'm starving" Scott said, blanking my question as he walked over, swiping it up in one hand and taking a large bite of the corner. "See the rules of the Quantum Realm aren't likely they are up here, everything is unpredictable" he told us, speaking through his mouthful of bread and peanut butter as I raised my eyebrows, running my hands up and down my thighs impatiently.

"So time works different in this Quantum Realm?" Natasha asked, Scott nodding his head quickly as he took another bite, swallowing it as quickly as he could. "The only problem is right now, we don't have a way to navigate it. But what if we did? I can't stop thinking about it" Scott asked, shaking his head at the thought as I tried to figure out exactly what he was trying to say. "What if there was a way to enter the Quantum Realm at a certain point in time but then exit at another point in time?" he said, my heart beating so fast that I could hear the blood bumping through my brain at such a high pressure I thought my head may explode.

"Like before Thanos" I said quietly, standing up as Steve pushed himself off of the table, looking between Natasha and I as Scott ate the rest of his sandwich quietly. "Wait, are you talking about a time machine?" Steve asked, holding one hand out in a questioning manner as Scott shook his head, scrunching his nose. "No of course not, not a time machine" Scott stuttered, trying to figure out the right words as he held the singular bite of his sandwich in his hand.

"It's more of a" he added, tilting his head to the side as I nodded my head at him, making him sigh as he looked over at Steve. "Yeah it's a time machine" he surrendered, finally saying the words as Natasha folded her arms over her chest, one of her hands resting over her lips as she stared at Scott. "I know that it sounds crazy but there's gotta be some way" Scott said, catching Nat's glance as he stumbled over his words again, trying to explain it to her. "I get e-mails from a raccoon, nothing sounds crazy anymore" Natasha said in reply as Scott looked back at her, his turn to be confused with the thought of a raccoon sending e-mails. He didn't spent long thinking about it as he nodded his head, looking
between Steve, Nat and I before letting out a small sigh.

"So who do we talk to about this?"


this is so so crazy that I have managed to make it this far and the only reason I have is because of you guys!!
I appreciate you all to the moon and back (multiple times) and the love that you give me in the comments or in the messages you send me is crazy I LOVE HEARING FROM YOU GUYS!!
please do not forget to vote and comment and please buckle up your seatbelts for a probably very bumpy ride!!

A/N: OH MY GOSH WELCOME TO CONVERTO this is so so crazy that I have managed to make it this far and the only reason I have is because of you guys!! I appreciate you all to the moon and back (multiple times) and the love that you give me in the com...

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