Chapter Sixteen

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            That night I made my way back to sleeping with Ashley just so that I wouldn’t be a bother to the guys. It was easier after Ashley left to talk with Jonah’s family. I didn’t have her depressed state of weight on me anymore.

            The day got a bit easier. The Old Ladies woke up after us and by then, the guys had left. They wanted an early start, to hitch this in the butt before it got too out of control. Ashley left earlier, but I knew that she wanted to leave so that she wouldn’t be reminded of Jonah around the clubhouse, although I didn’t know how being with his parents would be easy. Dirty Eli was the one to follow her just to make sure that she was safe and no one would target her.

            However, I didn’t feel right having Eli out there. Not now when things went so wrong for Jonah. I don’t know if I could handle the same for Eli or James…or even for any of the members. I experienced death before, but…this felt different. It felt so weird that I literally left Jonah away for five minutes and then he was dead. Had Opie and I left sooner, it would have probably been him or even me that got those bullets.

            How could something so drastic happen in at most ten minutes difference?

            I walked into the lounge area to see Donna sitting, still reading her book. I looked around and asked her, “you know where James is?”

            Donna looked up at me and she answered, “he said he would make breakfast. Gemma is still asleep, or at least she hasn’t come out of her room.”

            I nodded and gave her a smile, “okay. Opie said goodbye to you, right? Before he left?”

            She grinned and nodded, “yeah, kissed my cheek and we passed goodbyes before he left.”

            “Good.” I told her with a smile. Opie would have had my wrath if he didn’t say goodbye to his pregnant wife before leaving, especially with what happened recently.

            Donna giggled and I moved to the kitchen. I saw James there, looking over what was in the fridge. I grinned and asked him, “need any help?”

            He looked up and at me before he chuckled, “well…I was thinking eggs and maybe waffles.”

            I nodded and told him, “sounds good to me.”

            I watch him nod and take out a carton of eggs while I go to take out the pans and butter. I stare at James as he begins to set things up. I sit at the edge of the counter and watch him. As he begins to start cooking the first egg, he asks me, “how are your fingers? You said last night that you might have trigger finger again?”

            He looks over at me and I nod. I hold up my right hand and I move my fourth finger slowly. I can hear the cracks and the strain in the hand as I do so and I answer him, “yeah. One thing that sucks about being a mechanic and riding a motorcycle. I should buy some gloves or something, see if it helps.”

            He nods, “I know what you mean, had my fair share of it. You going to brace it?”

            “I’ll do it when Chibs gets back if he has time. It’s not too bad right now, but I know that this is something that is going to get worse if not treated right.” I answered him before I hoped off the counter and walked to the stove beside him. I told him, “you need to wait a little bit longer.”

            He looked over at me and raised his eyebrows. I shook my head and told him, “just because I dislike cooking doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to do it.”

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