Chapter Thirty

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{Hi readers! Finally gotten to updating after doing my best to hold out. My fingers are getting a little better. As a quick update there is still nerve knots in my fingers, but at least I can actually move them now (not great but they are moving) so I gave in and made this chapter and have been writing up a storm for other stories, but they are locking up now (sadly I over did it). My wrist is about the same and now they found some nerve tension in my upper arm so I have that to work on, but at least I can type a bit better. So I may or may not update soon, depending on my progress, but I do know writing as much as I have has inflamed the knots a bit. Again I'm really really sorry if you all are waiting. But until then, one of the things that I have written is an original story of mine called 'Upscale, the (fake) memoirs of a guitarist'. It's a story written in memoir style (one of the things I overdid was writing the last part or it). But please read it too if I have the chance and I'm sorry about the wait, everyone. I'll try and keep updating in a good time (especially now that things are starting to heat up). 


            I was released from the hospital at the end of the day after the nurse tested me and saw that I was functioning well with my motor skills and didn't seem to have the infection coming back. She gave me some pills to take to ensure that the risk for the infection to come back again was low.

            Rhea stayed with me for the rest of the day. Chibs, Gemma, and Clay stayed the day as well and helped me leave. Gemma went over to my house and picked me up some clothes to wear so now I was comfortably in dark blue ripped jeans that were worn in so they were comfortable and a black tank-top and even my prospect cut, which I put on with pride again.

            For the rest of the day I had avoided going to the washroom again. I could barely walk by the room. I didn't want Eli to see me if he already did not. I almost ran back to my room. I never imagined that Eli was gay. Call it stereotyping and I know people disliked it, but he didn't seem like the person to be gay. Not that I cared...well no I did that was a lie. I didn't care about the fact he was gay, I was just surprised by it. He never gave the impression he was gay. He would comment about girls with the other guys, would go out back with them...he even brought some over.

            It was possible he was bisexual...which was completely fine too, I was just surprised he was that.

            I didn't want to confront him about it. It was obvious that he didn't want us to know. He kept the secret that his partner was in the hospital and lied to say it was his father and I knew it wasn't because the club would take parents over a person you were dating. Eli wasn't ready for me to know and I wouldn't push it there. I wouldn't ask about it and I wouldn't talk about it unless he brought it up.

            I was able to properly move and walk by the time I was leaving, I was still just tired. As I was signing myself out, the four of them stayed with me before we made plans. Rhea said that she would take me home so that I could get a nap in since I was still tired and then I would have my talk with Rhea because I really wanted to know what was going on with my younger brother. Afterwards, I was supposed to go to the clubhouse and see the guys, as they all wanted to see me, and get caught up on the information where meetings took place about Trevor and what's left of his crew and making new arrangements.

            Plus Gemma hinted that the guys would probably want to party about my safety, which I wouldn't exactly say no to.

            Rhea drove me home in her beige car and helped me up the stairs onto the deck. I could already hear my dogs barking. Instantly I was attacked by them and I leaned down to hug and hold them all. Rhea smiled and she gave them some pats as well before I saw Buddy and gave him a tight hug and kissed his head before leaning back to look at him, "I'm okay Buddy. Good boy. Good boy for waking me up."

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