Chapter Forty-Six

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{Hi everyone! Yeah, I know I suck. I'm really sorry it took me so long to update. I have more to say at the end of the chapter but I thought that you all would probably want to go back to the story so here you are :)}


I felt chains around my wrists and neck, my breath shallowed as the chain began tighter. I was being held down onto some type of medical stretcher, but I was in the middle of this forest. I whimpered and tested the chains, and their rattle echoed loudly in the forest and in my ears. I closed my eyes, trying to get my head before I felt something drip onto my forehead. I opened my eyes and looked above me, only to discouver Eli was above me. A desperate whimper came from me as I noticed that he was hanging horizontally by his wrists and ankles. Could see spiders eating out his eyes, which were already hallowed and disappeared. There was a rip in his neck and a bit down his chest.

I tried my best to get out of the chains as they rattled in my ears. The blood from the cuts began to dribble on me and I whimpered and tried on my chains more and as I broke free, there was a crack and ripping sound above me. I looked only in time to see Eli's neck and stomach rip open, blood poring form it and ono me.

I coughed and screamed as I became drenched in the blood. I looked down at my hand and saw that the chains were still on my wrist and some of the chain was hanging from the cuffs. But I realized that I was free, the cuff around my neck gone. I jumped out and felt my barefoot hit the cold, soft ground and dirt. I looked down at my feet and noticed worms beginning to crawl on them. I squealed again and shook them off before I began running.

As I ran, it was almost as though I was getting tunnel vision. The forest around me was moving and twisting in circles all around, causing me to almost lose balance as I ran. I could feel myself hitting the ground a couple of times before I got up, but it felt that I was running on an angle, that my head was horizontal while my body was vertical. I was gasping as though I couldn't breathe, like I was drowning. My nose even felt like water was heading upstream into me. I choked and fell to the ground, my panting and gasping for air echoing in my ears as everything around me began to spin.

I cried out, tears coming from me as I felt more water go up my nose. I moaned loudly before I felt something snatch my arms. I looked and saw that the world had stopped spinning and for three seconds the world around me was completely still and I was able to see that there were three black wolves around behind me. One was holding my right arm at the elbow while the two others were on my left side, one holding my shoulder in his teeth and the other holding my wrist. The draw back to reality was strong and I gasped as the three wolves started to pull in different directions. I felt myself choking again as I heard loud squealing from my arms being ripped, like an exaggeration of the sound but it sounded like nails on a chalkboard now.

I heard a laugh start softly in although it was in the distance. However although it was at low volume I could still feel the harshness cut through me. I tried to cry out again, but my voice was overlapped over the sound of the laughter getting louder until it was what was ringing in my ears now. I opened my eyes and saw my mother, although she was different. She was dead. Her skin was white and it was wrinkling and sagging, as though it was going to fall off of her bones. Her eyes were sunken in where there were none, and all around was black. She tilted her head as she looked at me. She wasn't making the motion of laughing, yet as I heard it I knew it was from her.

I watched her, choking and screaming as I felt limbs being ripped from me. My mother suddenly smiled and instead of her own teeth, there were wolves edges. Blood dripped from them before she jumped at me, turning into a large black wolf in front of me. I screamed but she had already ripped out my throat.

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