Chapter 7

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            I was working on a car’s engine. For some reason the battery wires just did not want to connect to anything. The weather had died down a bit, but it was still pretty hot. There were one too many jokes about me wearing short shorts and tank tops to help me keep my temperature down and I had to give warning. What I was really glad about was that they respected it and though there was a snide comment once in a blue moon, I could handle that.

            I was leaned over in the car when I heard the footsteps coming towards me. I didn’t look up, but I saw in the corner of my eye a person’s boots and I knew who they belonged to after seeing them around the club.

            “Is there something you need, Clay?” I asked, placing new wires to the car battery.

            “I thought I should give you a debrief of Happy Lowman. Tig says that he told you and the other guys about him getting out?” Clay said.

            I knew that he wanted to talk, so I moved out from under the car and wiped my hands on my already dirty and oiled legs. Looking up at him, I leaned against the car and waited for him to talk.

            Clay sighed and said, “I thought that I would warn you about Happy. Are you aware of his history?”

            I grinned, “the Tacoma Killer? Yeah. I didn’t learn Happy was his actual name for a while.”

            Clay nodded again and he said, “we’ve been keeping him up to date about…well about what happens at the club and—”

            “Me,” I sighed and nodded, looking down.

            Clay was silent for a moment and said, “mostly about who left this charter, who the prospects are, which you are included in.”

            I looked at him and nodded before putting my hands on my hips, letting him start again so he can tell me what I should know. I knew that this was Clay giving me a fair warning of what was to come. He was making sure that I was prepared for what I could face. I knew this wasn’t going to be good or easy then.

            Clay told me, “he’s not too impressed. We tried talking to him. I think it will change when he gets to know you, but until then I think you should get the fair warning that he can be pretty blunt and vocal about his thoughts and he is no way worried about being rude.”

            I nodded and he said, “I mean it, Row. He will make Kozik look like the Catholic Pope. I know Happy. He’ll come around. But until then, don’t take to heart what he says or does.”

            I kept nodding and I told him, “thanks for the heads up.”

            Clay nodded and looked down at the car and said, “you do know that it’s quitting time, right?”

            I shrugged, “I’m just about done, might as well finish what I started.”

            Clay nodded and said, “we are having the party soon. We want to make sure that everything is set up and ready for the welcome home party. Some of the guys and I are going to be heading out soon.”

            I nodded and gave him a small smile before I told him, “I’ll make sure we have all the starter packs, and a bit extra. I’m gonna guess a lot of hang arounds will be here tonight, sweet buds too.”

            He grinned and said, “atta girl. I think Heck and Dirty are on the booze run.”

            I nodded, “I’ll make sure the clubhouse is clean and ready. Do you want me to serve the drinks?”

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