Chapter Two

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I was on my morning run...and I mean morning. It was five thirty in the morning and as usual, I was jogging around the town, my earphones blasting out the song I Love Playin' With Fire by The Runaways. God I wish I was alive at the time they were a band. I would have gone to their concerts in a heartbeat. Actually, a heartbeat would have been too long.

I'm usually up by four thirty in the morning and I'm out running by five-fifteen. It's strange just how productive that I am at four thirty in the morning. I usually watch the news as I have my breakfast before doing some yoga as stretching before my run. I'm usually out for forty minutes to fifty, depends on which route that I take. I don't know why I wake up so early in the morning, but I've never been able to sleep for a long time. I can surprisingly go on four hours a sleep every night for the rest of my life and I will be fine. Again, I don't know how, but I've never been much of a sleeper. Even if I tried to sleep, I'd always wake up after five or six hours. I've never had headaches and I'm never sleepy during the day so I never bothered to take medication to make me sleep.

I looked around as I jogged. One of the reasons why I went out at this time was because it was peaceful. No one was out, it was a comfortable temperature, and I could run to myself without having to worry about cars or other vehicles or having people stare at me as I jogged. It wasn't even people who were checking me out, it was just people in cars or on their porches who stared at me until I was out of their sight. It made me feel uncomfortable.

It was a peaceful run, as usual. It never really was out of the ordinary. It was just a time for me to blast my music to the point of deafness as I let out some steam. It was kind of 'me' time to just run and it felt good. I was never tired or sore afterwards. Somehow, I always felt lighter.

However, this morning, I guess the guys wanted it different. Since I used my phone for my music as well, it came to my attention that someone was calling me when the song just stopped out of nowhere and I could then hear my phone ring to my favourite song: Born To Run by Bruce Springsteen. I took out the earbud plug and the earbud out of my ears and quickly stashed them in my pocket before I looked at the caller ID. What the hell did Bobby want at five thirty in the morning.

Answering it anyway, I slowed down into a walk and asked, "hello?"

"Hey, Row. The guys and I are wondering if you could come over, help us take new inventory," Bobby told me.

I raised my eyebrows and stopped walking, leaning against one leg more as I asked, a slight tone in my words, "and what exactly is so important that it needs to be done at 5:30 in the morning?"

He chuckled, knowing my suspicious attitude wasn't a sign of annoyance but one of 'I'm going to find out what it is before I haul my ass over there'. I then remembered what he said before and I narrowed my eyes, "what do you mean by new?"

He chuckled again, "some of the guys decided to go get last night."

That's right! Juice told me about that before I left. He said that no one would be in during the night so we could clean and they would be back early in the morning. I had completely forgot since I just went on the alcohol run to fill up their bar and I just dropped off the stuff before going home. I asked him, "new guns?"

"Yeah...a lot actually. That's why we want to get a list. We have the normal ones here, you know, your 'trinket' as you call it, but there are some that look like hunting guns. We don't know what they are, but we figured that you would know more about them. Your father was a hunter right?"

For the thousandth time, yes, but I didn't say that out loud. Instead, I answered him, "yeah, I know about those types of guns."

"We figured, that's why we want you to take a look at them," Bobby said.

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