Chapter Forty-Four

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"She up yet?" I heard Chibs whisper.

It was Gemma's voice that answered in a low voice, "I don't think so. I was just changing everyone's sheets. I check on her every once in a while. Out like a light. I think it's good she's getting some sleep."

I rolled a bit in my bed, feeling my feet hit Buddy again. What time was it?

"Yeah. I was just going to check on her bandages, but I guess it can wait if she's still asleep." Chibs answered.

I grumbled loudly, hoping that they would hear, "I'm up."

Both of them had immediately stopped talking. I heard my door open and I sat up a bit, my one elbow on my pillow to give me a better look a the door. I saw the door crack open, the sound of a soft screech echoing in my room. Buddy put up his head to see for himself what was going on. When he saw that it was Chibs at the door, his head lowered again. I gave him a timid smile as he looked in the room, looking at me as if to make sure that he did actually hear me talk. Gemma was behind him and moved to step in front and walk over to me. The sun was shining through my curtains a little, so I knew that it was later in the morning, maybe close to noon. And it sounded as though that the guys were waiting for me to wake up, which meant I slept late into the day. Or later in the morning I guess.

"Hey baby. Glad to hear you're up." Gemma told me with a smile as she came to my bedside, Chibs following her, "how are you feeling?"

I knew it was a question that she didn't want to ask. Probably out of fear of my reaction and if I would get upset again. But she knew that it had to be asked either way.

I told them honestly, knowing that it was the best thing to do, "I'm...okay. I guess. I was just...upset last night. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that."

Gemma shook her head and she moved to gently move some hair out of my face before sitting beside me on the bed. She told me, "don't worry about that, baby. We just want to make sure you were okay. That was...horrible, what happened. That does not even cover it."

I sighed and gave them a small smile. I told them, "I had a bit of time to...debrief about it this morning. I knew it was coming, but it still hurt. And I-well I'm not over it completely but I've started to make my peace with it. And what's done is done."

They nodded and Chibs told me, "yeah, Happy told me about the debrief you had this morning. Almost slapped him upside the head for letting ya go run. Would do the same shite to you if you weren't injured."

I chuckled a bit, my smiling widening. And I think that was his goal because once I smiled, he smiled too. He continued, "I wanted to check your ribs, darling. Hap said that at times they were sore, which is understandable because you shouldn't have been working them that hard anyway, but I just want to make sure everything is still in it's place and healing right."

I nodded back to him and told him, "that's fine, doc. And don't blame Happy. I would have gone out anyway, he just tagged along because he didn't think that I should be alone."

"Well he shoulda stopped ya." He said as he moved the blankets from my chest away. I helped bring my shirt up to my breasts so he could look at the bandages.

Rolling my eyes, I told him, "Happy was trying to help. Besides, I would have done it anyway. Do you doubt my determination, Chibs?"

All three of us grin and Gemma and Chibs share a look before Chibs begins to unbind my bandages. I moved to lean up a bit so that it was easier for him to take them off. I looked down and watched as the bandages unraveled to show my stomach. It didn't hurt that much anymore, not unless I did something to anger them, but they still looked sore. They were a dark green with some thick streaks of purple, where the original pain of the steering wheel months ago came from.

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