Chapter Forty-One

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{hi readers. A cute little chapter with some nice things by the end, but (as I laugh) not for long :P Tell me what you think :)}


I was just finishing setting out the plates and utensil dish on the picnic table that was set outside. There were a couple all lined up in a row and pressed together with table cloths on them. When I came back to the house, saying goodbye to my short little meeting with Jacob again, I went to put my food away before I called Gemma and we made a list. Gemma said that she was thinking of a barbeque, which I happily agreed about because my backyard could hold a lot of people. And from there a plan was made. Clay, Jax and Opie would get the drinks and some hamburgers and hot dogs and sausage before they would go to my house. Gemma was saying that she was already making the salads and that she would bring over bread and buns and have that ready by the time the guys were back. Although I couldn't make anything, my sister Rhea agreed to make port and beans as well as corn and Sarah said that she would go out to buy some fruit and vegetable platters along with plastic cutlery and plates

By the time that some of the guys came, it was about three. By the time they were coming I was already going through my small shed to get out as many lawn chairs as I could. Luckily, Gemma thought ahead and went back home to grab what chairs she had before going to my place.Clay and Jax arrived first before Gemma came in about five minutes later and Rachelle helped her with bringing in the food.

Later the guys came as a group and you could hear them a mile away as they were riding with their roaring motorcycles except for Opie, who I had learned went back to their house to pack the baby bag while he waited for Donna and Ellie to wake from their nap so he came in with Donna and Ellie about half hour later, but people were still setting things up.

By then, all of the guys were in the back and sitting in lawn chairs, beers were passed around and everyone was talking while Clay and Gemma were still making food. I was sitting on the ground when I saw Donna walk back around the house, a bundle in Donna's arms. I knew that they came in because Boomer, Molly and Sarah began to bark loudly and ran to the front while Buddy just stayed laying beside me against my lap. Rodger frowned as his friend fell away to bark at the newcomers, although, once seeing it was Donna, the dogs stopped barking and just asked for attention, which Opie gave them but Boomer and Molly went back to Rodger, as he had the ball for them to catch.

"Hey!" I said excitedly to greet her.

She smiled and walked over to me, Sarah, and Kiara. Sarah moved from her seat and told her, "here, sit."

Donna gave her a smile, "thank you." She sat down in the chair carefully, probably still sore and Opie set the bag down beside the chair Donna was sitting in before he moved over to see Jax. Donna looked down at me, now holding Ellie in her legs. Sarah moved to sit on the other side of me as she leaned over a bit to pet Buddy. I looked over at Donna's lap and smiled at the wide awake baby, "Hi Angel!"

Donna smiled at me before she looked down at Ellie, who was making bubbling noises and sucking her thumb as she looked up at her mom. I asked Donna as Opie moved a chair to settle himself beside her, "how is motherhood?"

"Exhausting." Donna admitted with a small laugh, "but...amazing. I mean Opie and I are just excited to see her open her eyes and smile. I think I've taken like a hundred pictures of her already."

I smiled and moved to gently poke the baby's belly. The baby let out a giggles sound and I smiled. Donna looked at me and asked, "do you want to hold her again?"

I smiled and nodded, moving to open my arms. Sarah watched me with a smile on her face and Opie smiled as well, still watching over Ellie as if to make sure that she would not fall. Donna carefully gives the bundle to me and I take Ellie in my arms. I look down at her and smile. She looks up at me, as if trying to remember where she saw my face, or wondering why my face was not her mother's face. I smiled down at her and told her as I gently poked at her nose, hoping to make her laugh, "hello again, pretty little girl. Look at you."

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