Chapter Five

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After my talk with Gemma my mood for the day increased. I rode my Harley home and told her that Clay can call me if he needs me. I wanted to get home, check on the house and my dogs, my little Buddy. It had been almost a year since I didn’t come home for the night. I know that they would be wanting out.

After I road into the driveway, I could already hear them backing, welcoming me home. I looked in my front window and I saw three of them, smiling and wagging their tails as they saw me walk up to the front door. I smiled. I knew that my baby was okay then, my little Buddy. If they were happy then he was still alive.

I walked up the stairs and I unlocked the door. Walking inside, I was soon captured by my dog’s happy greeting, jumping around my legs and leaning up, paws on my stomach. I smiled, “hey guys, glad to be home too.” I kneeled down and began petting all of their heads, letting them kiss my face hello as I smiled. People always thought me to be a cat person, but I was really a dog person. I couldn’t stand cats. I liked dogs and I usually liked the company of older, bigger dogs. Or at least medium sized. I had four dogs, two boys and two girls.

Getting up, I let them go outside in the yard to go relieve themselves. I let them out before going to the club, but it might have been a long night for them. Since I lived mostly on the outskirts of Charming I had a pretty big yard for the dogs to run around in. I would have taken them on my walks, but I couldn’t take three at a time and I couldn’t just take one. It wouldn’t be fair. I bought the yard behind me as well since there was just an open field there, so I bought a bit and made it more into a yard. The dogs had lots of room to run around and I had to teach them with shock collars not to go near the road since there was only a fence in the back that wasn’t closed in, it just made some boundary for the neighbours since I had people running on my property and other dogs trying to attack mine.

Looking outside, I saw the dogs running around to stretch their legs after going to the washroom. My youngest was a two year old Australian Shepard named Molly. She was still pretty young, easy to train but she had a lot of energy. I got her when I saw her as a growing slightly older puppy in the window of the pet shop in Charming and I couldn’t resist her cute face. I was looking for another dog anyway. She cuddled into my arms the whole way home. She liked to stay up at night and look outside as the cars passed before nodding off in the early morning, usually by the time I get up.

Then there was my second youngest, Boomer.  Who was a long haired German Shepard. He was four years old, but still very much a puppy. He had a lot of energy, but crashed at the end of the day. He was also like my guard dog because he was pretty protective. And he was it bigger than the normal German Shepard. He got along well with the other dogs and was a bit of a suck up to me when he wanted to be. He was originally my older sister Rachelle’s dog…until she found out that she was highly allergic to dogs so she asked me if I wanted him and I accepted him with open arms or else he would have been taken to a shelter and may have been adopted by a family who wouldn’t take care of him.

            The only dog that was no longer running after getting some new smells of the yard was laying on the ground, looking at me with a smile on her face. She was a old Dalmatian named Sarah, and she was my second oldest, but she was mostly my suck-up. I got her going through the shelter when she was a puppy. Like Molly, she took my heart. I picked her up and she fell asleep right in my arms, snuggling up to me. I mean, I couldn’t say no to that little face. And she was going to be transferred within the next couple of days to another shelter if I didn’t take her. She sat on my lap the entire car ride home. She was the one who usually followed me around the house and she would sleep either at my side or at my feet when I slept. She was never wild, mostly just a cuddle-up puppy. She was almost eight years old.

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