Chapter Twenty-Four

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            I woke up to the sound of someone knocking at my door. I heard Sarah, Molly and Boomer all immediately get up and begin barking loudly as they ran to the door. I groaned and looked over the couch at the clock on my wall to see that it was almost eight in the morning. Fuck I might have been late for work.

            Looking back at the doorway, I forced my self off the couch, moving my blanket to the ground beside Buddy, who was looking over at the door in wonder. I looked out my window and saw a familiar little red car in the driveway. I ran my hand though my hair as I walked to the doorway and I looked down at myself to make sure that I was decent. I was up until about one-thirty just watching scary movies and skipping through channels until I fell asleep trying to forget about my mother.

            Seeing as though I wasn't exactly presentable but that I was still okay, I opened the door and saw Ashley standing there. I gave her a smile and told her, "hey, Ash. How are you doing?"

            I could see that there was still some dampness in her eyes, but it wasn't as bad as the night that Jonah died. She wasn't completely pale either now. Though there was barely any colour in her cheeks, at least it wasn't like glass. Her eyes had bags under them and just looking into her eyes I could see the unhappiness in them. She had her hair up in a ponytail and wore some older jeans and a sweater that I knew was Jonah's from seeing him wear it around the clubhouse.

            Ashley gave me a small smile and told me, "good morning...sorry I thought that you would have been up for work. I didn't mean to wake you up."

            I shook my head, "no it's okay. I should have been getting up for work anyway." I gave her a smile and asked her, "what's up? Do you want to come in?"

            Ashely shook her head and she folded her arms in front of her, not out of anger but because she was uncomfortable. That made me worried and concerned. Ashley told me, "I just wanted to give you information about Jonah's funeral arrangements."

            That caught me off guard. I stared at her for a couple of minutes, my eyes wide as I told her, "oh...sorry...sorry Ashley I'm just surprised. I...well it's been so long and I... well I assumed that since we hadn't heard from you for weeks that..."

            The other girl shook her head and answered me, "no, no of course not. You guys deserve to be there. He would have wanted you there. It's just been...a hassle. A giant fiasco, actually. I was against his parents most of the time about every took a while for all of us to settle on something we both agreed on. They kept saying my say didn't count, that I wasn't family and they were his parents, things got messy... It was a disaster. They wanted to bury him at their hometown away from Charming. Didn't want a viewing, just the funeral and...oh God it was a disaster. But I managed to convince them for Jonah to be buried here. I knew it's what he would have wanted. I'm sorry I never called you it's...God you have never met his parents took a while to actually set up any plan, and that was after our arguing ceased."

            I shook my head and told her in sympathy, "they sound like entitled asshats who treated their son like shit and even in death wanted to control him."

            Ashley nodded sadly and she said, "yeah, you're on point there. It took me forever to try and convince them for you guys to all come."

            I stared at her, my one eyebrows raising, "tried?"

            Ashley shrugged and looked down the street for a moment before she answered me as she turned to look back at me, "they don't want you there but I know for a fact that Jonah does. We talked about this, his funeral and everything. I told you that before. He knew that it was a high possibility when he started prospecting and we had a lengthy discussion. He wants you guys there. I know he does. His parents are too...stubborn to see that and do what their son wanted."

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