Chapter Eight

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((I decided to procrastinate doing my essay...I hope you like the chapter :) tell me what you think of it! :) ))


            The party already was going on, had been for about an hour. The guys seemed to be having a good time. I didn’t really do much. I was mostly just sitting by the bar, off to the side talking with Heck and Pretty. I didn’t want to get in the way. For the first time since I first stepped into the clubhouse, I felt completely out of my element. I wish Ashley would have been able to come and give me company, but Pretty didn’t think that Clay would allow it.

            When I heard the motorcycles coming in, Pretty gave me a beer and I have been sipping it since, still only halfway through it. Apparently Dirty and Happy had been talking for a while and were getting along well. I could see them from across the room. They were talking with Kozik and Tig. Dirty Eli always got along with those two. Kozik and Tig probably introduced them.

            Heck looked at me and said, “I haven’t seen you this quiet at a party since you first started. Usually you walk around and socialize, make sure to keep an eye on things.”

            I groaned, “don’t remind me.”

            “I’ve met Happy. He’s not that bad,” Heck said, “he’s not that bad of a guy to talk to.”

            I glared over at him and he looked down, “right…yeah sorry.”

            Shrugging, I took another sip of beer before I answered him, “it’s alright. I’m only trying to help you feel better.”

            After taking another sip, I looked around and saw some sweetbuds moving on Tig and I knew that his attention would turn soon. I looked around the room and saw Jax sitting with Opie and I thought that I might as well move around. I looked at Heck and said goodbye to him before making my way to Jax and Opie. I sat beside Opie and set my beer on the table. They gave me a smile and Jax asked, “I’m guessing you haven’t talked to the Tacoma Killer yet.”

            “I’m trying to avoid him until I have to actually,” I answered him, taking another drink of beer.

            Opie shook his head and said, “bet you that Happy is going ot be really impressed if you walked up to him and introduced yourself instead of him talking to you himself and after a period of time.”

            I shook my head, “it wouldn’t be my place either way.”

            Jax shrugged and he looked over his shoulder to see Tig with a sweetbud on his lap while talking with Kozik and Happy. Clay was walking over, planning on talking to the group as well. Jax turned back to me and he told me, “maybe wait until he is done talking to everyone and done catching up with people.”

            Shaking my head I felt Opie put his arm around me and I looked up at him. I leaned against him like a brother and sister would. That’s really how I could sum up my relationship with Opie and Jax. They were my brothers. All of the guys here were. I warmed up to Opie and Jax the fastest though. They were the ones that made me feel the most comfortable, and they were more around my age, and we had a lot in common.

            Opie told me, “Row, I get your nervous, but you don’t need to be. Happy will be impressed if you walk around as you normally do, like you are a part of the place. He’s a guy who admires a person, whether a man or a woman, who has courage and dare surrounding their life.”

            I chuckled and Jax nodded, “honestly, hiding away from him is probably the worse thing that you can do.” Jax looked over his shoulder and said, “if you head to the bar, you will probably meet him. It looks like he is out of drinks and will go up. Not to mention that it looks like Tig will be getting his own happy meal.”

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