Chapter Twenty-Six

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            I looked down at Jacob. We had been rested up together for the past couple of minutes after some of our sessions. I looked over at him from my pillow, seeing him close his eyes and relax. Jacob was good. The sex was great. He seemed to know just what I needed. I smiled and moved off the bed. I went to my dressers and took out a par of sweat pants and I put on a sweater. I heard Jacob move on the bed and he asked me, "where are you going?"

            "I'll be back. I'm going to get a beer. See what the guys out there are doing and if my friend came home yet. Do you want one?" I asked him as I moved to the door.

            "A beer sounds good." Jacob answered.

            Nodding, I told him as I opened the door, "stay here. I don't know how long I'll be."

            He nodded and I watched him relax in the covers again before I walked out of the room and shut the door. Making my way to the main room I heard loud voices talking and laughing. I didn't bother to try and fix up my appearance. It would probably be ruined again in another round. I could hear Kiara already and I could tell she was talking to the guys. I wondered what interesting things she was telling them, hopefully nothing to embarrassing about me.

            Walking into the mainroom I saw all of the guys surrounding a table with Gemma beside Clay in a chair and Kiara sitting down as well. Kiara looked up at me first and said, "there's my girl. Looks like you had a great time."

            I grinned and walked behind the bar, "you have no idea." I wiggled my eyebrows and chuckled before grabbing two bottles of beer.

            "Walk of shame?" Jax asked as they all looked up at me.

            Gemma shook her head and said, "oh no, that's the smug face of pride right there. A girl who had it proper."

            I laughed and grabbed a chair, sitting at the table as well, "you said it."

            I grinned and the guys hollered and hooted in salute. Kiara asked in a chuckle, "big or knew what he was doing?"

            I grinned, "Both. Best damn sex I've had in a long time."

            The guys chuckled again and I opened the beer and looked at Kiara, "how was your guy."

            She scrunched up her face, "eh. Not too bad."

            I chuckled and asked her before I took a gulp of my beer, "did you just get here?"

            "Yeah. I was telling these guys and this wicked awesome woman here about me and the stupid things and memories I have as you being my friend." Kiara chuckled.

            "I like her, we need to keep you around." Gemma said and all of us laughed.

            I chuckled and Kozik asked Kiara, "so what do you do again?"

            "I'm a pilot. Having some vacation time, scheduling my hours so that I get the same pay of flights, just not this month," Kiara answered.

            "Do you travel a lot then?" Bobby asked and I could tell the guys were taking an interest in Kiara, which I was happy about. They liked her, they liked my friend.

            Kiara shook her head, "not really. I don't particularly like flying across oceans. I can do it and I've done it many times, I just don't particularly like it."

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