Chapter Forty-Five

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I hugged Rhea on my porch, her car running in my driveway. Rachel brought out the last of their things. Kiara had her car running as well and already had her things in her car and was ready to go.

"Are you sure that I shouldn't say. I know Thomas is asking but—." Rhea started to say but I cut her off.

I moved back a bit and looked at her, my hands still on her arms, a smile on my face to encourage her, "I'll be fine. Really. You go home. See Thomas again."

She sighed and nodded, moving to kiss my cheek before hugging me again. I hugged her back, my eyes closing as I held her tight. Truthfully, I didn't want her and Rachelle to go. I did miss them and seeing them again was great. I didn't see my sisters to often and if it weren't for the reason why they were here, it would have been a great visit. Hopefully I will talk to them or maybe even see them on Thanksgiving.

I let her go and she gave us a smile before Rachelle told us, setting her final suitcase down, "we just hate to leave you right after mom's fiasco."

I shook my head and told them as I moved to put my hands in my pocket as I tilted forward and back on my feet. I told them with a sigh, "no...I've made the peace with it. It happened and that's that. Nothing to do about it now. I'll be fine."

I gave them a confident smile. Truthfully it still stung a little, but I knew that I had to let it go and that the sooner I let it go the better I'd feel about it. And I'd move on and know that this is a horrible memory.

I looked over at Kiara as she shut the back door, putting her last bag in the back. The night was starting to come and it was getting a little late. Rachelle and Rhea had to go tonight, Rhea going back to her husband and Rachelle needed to get back to work the day after tomorrow but she still had to do some cleaning that she left when she came unexpectedly with Rhea to see me in the hospital. And Kiara's break was ending and she had an even longer drive to get back home tonight. She wanted to spend some time with her parents to say goodbye before she went to Los Angeles again to fly to New York. Rebecca would have left tonight too, but she agreed that it would be better for her to leave first thing in the morning. I was kind of sad that I had to say goodbye to my sisters, especially since according to them both Rodger and Rod went home with our mother yesterday.

Sarah moved to stand beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder loosely as she leaned against me. I smiled before she stood up straight again. She told them, "I'll probably be with her for a couple of days, make sure she stays does wallow in junk food."

I rolled my eyes and looked at her grin before one appeared my face. I looked back at Rachelle and Rhea and I told them, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

Rachelle nodded and sighed before she took me in her arms too. I hugged her back and she rubbed my back after a second before she told me, "I know you will. I just don't want to leave you, you know? But you seem to be doing really well with...well everything you know."

I gave her a smile and patted her back to indicate to come back to look at me. We did so and I gave her a smile. I told her, "I'm glad you think so. But, I'm fine. Don't feel bad. And text me updates on when you get home."

I turned to Kiara and pointed a finger at her. I told her, "same as you. And let me know if you stop at a hotel or something. Make sure you give me details."

Kiara rolled her eyes, "yes mom, I'll be sure to do that."

I scrunched up my face at her jokingly before I hugged her. She hugged me back and we held each other for a long time before we let each other go. I gave her a smile and she told me, "now stay safe. Don't go calling for trouble."

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