Chapter Forty-Two

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I woke up the next morning to hear chatter downstairs. I looked over at Buddy, who was sleeping on the floor beside my bed. Rachelle found it a little difficult to carry him up, but he made it. Even though it felt comfortable to sleep in my bed again, I could tell that Buddy's comfort zone was still downstairs where he could go to the door and whine if he had to go out to do his business where as here he couldn't get down the stairs and I heard him come back to my room once so I knew that he had to go in the night. And I didn't like having him do a lot of walking either when it was hard for him to do.

I leaned over in my bed to see him laying there, looking up at me, waiting for me to be awake. I gave him a smile and I leaned over a bit more and moved my cast hand out to pet him. He carefully got up and I smiled to him. I told him, "yeah, Buddy, lets go downstairs."

I forced myself to get out of bed before I put my feet on the ground. I moved my hand through my hair and I brought it out of my face. Afterwards, I looked over at my dresser and I saw that someone had sent me messages on my prepay. I opened it up as I leaned down a bit to keep petting Buddy. I saw that Gemma had texted me and I looked at the time. It was almost nine. I guess I had slept in. I dialled the number and held the phone between my shoulder and cheek before I moved to pick up Buddy. Still in a pair of old pyjama shorts and a tank top, I began to make my way downstairs with Buddy in my arms.

Soon I heard Gemma pick up, "Teller Morrow Auto Repair."

"Hey Gem it's me. You called?" I smiled as Buddy began to lick my face as I brought him downstairs, immediately going to the front door first since I knew that he had to go pee. I carefully opened the door as I heard Gemma answer me, "oh baby I'm glad you called. I know that you can't do a lot with just getting out of the hospital and you have that cast on your wrist and still having some sore spots, but I'm swamped here at TM with filing for the new cars and I also want to get rid of the old files. You know, the ones that are about the same age as yourself to make room. And we have been late with finishing some cars and orders so I've been calling them, we've been having angry customers...lets just say that I could really use your help. I know that you should stay with your family before they go, but I could really use you here."

I gently put Buddy on the grass and I told her, "uh...yeah. Sure I can come in. I can be there in about an hour if you want."

"That would be fantastic darling. I'll see you then." Gemma told me.

"See you then Gem." I gave her a smile before I watched Buddy lay on the grass in the sun when he was done. I smiled and moved to go back inside. I kept the door open after I came in so that the others could hear him if he started to whine to be let back in. When I was back inside, I moved to the kitchen. I saw all of my sisters and my friends either up and moving around or sitting at the kitchen table. I gave them all a small smile before they noticed me and smiled back.

"Hey sleepy head. Ha to go up and check on you a couple of times. Never knew you to sleep in." Kiara told me.

I shrugged and went to the fridge to grab something to eat for breakfast. I found an orange and I took it before I looked over at them and answered as I shut the fridge door, "for the past month I've been a bit off my game with the work and club and stuff."

I began to peel the orange before I heard Rachelle say, "I just made coffee. You want any?

I looked down at my orange and said, "umm...considering that this and that," I pointed to the coffee maker, "would taste disgusting together, I think I'll stick with the orange, but thank you." I gave her a grin before I moved to stand beside the garbage can. I put parts of the peel in as I began to it off, though it is awkward with a cast so my fingers for one hand were partially limited. I looked at the others and Rebecca asked, "who were you talking to."

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