Chapter Forty-Nine

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(Hi readers! I'm sorry for taking a while. I finished exams finally from my summer classes and then I went camping so I was without my laptop for weeks. I know not much happens in this chapter, but I thought it was a good place to end from where it would pick up next. Also there is some Rowan and Happy fluff. Enjoy!)


I was sitting at the coffee table, looking over the newspaper and drinking coffee as I heard Happy come down from the upstairs. He wanted to shave as well after our very hot shower so I let him stay up there as I went down to make breakfast. It wasn't early in the morning but it wasn't late either. We had about an hour before we should go in to work, and we knew that we would have to leave at different times to not raise suspicion.

Molly was the only one who stayed up with him and she followed at his heels down.

I looked over at him and grinned, seeing the shirtless Happy come into my kitchen. I couldn't stop but grin at that chest and looked up to his face, grinning again as I took a sip of my coffee. He recognized my mischievous smile.

"So that's where my shirt went." he commented, a small smile on his face as well.

I looked down at myself and smiled. I was only wearing his shirt and a new pair of panties. I looked up at him and grinned again before saying, "I think it looks better on me."

He goes towards the kitchen area to get a cup of coffee as well. He tells me, leaning against the counter, "well, that's true." I can feel his eyes moving up and down me again so I moved in the chair to look behind me. I was right, his eyes looked at every curve of me. I grinned and Happy said after swallowing another gulp of coffee, "I didn't think you were the one to steal shirts."

I shrugged, "maybe not but my plan worked. You are shirtless."

He rolled his eyes and walked over to me and kissed me harshly again. I kissed back with as much power before whispering, "if we start this again we may never get in to work."

He chuckled and kissed me again, his hand possessively holding my chin. I smiled up at him when he finally pulled his lips away, though his hand was still holding my chin. I fluttered my eyes to play innocently at him and he told me, his voice in a low growl, "little girl you are playing a dangerous game."

"I like to play with fire." I answered back.

I heard a deep growl in his chest again and I giggled. I won't lie, I felt some fire in my own core, but if we had another round this morning there would not be a way we would get to the clubhouse before noon. We would have wait it out, and in that we would think about doing it again and our anticipation and fire would grow.

I heard a small 'ping' as the waffles came up from the toaster. I leaned up a little and kissed him again before I told him, "I hope you like waffles."

He rolled his eyes before letting my chin go. I got up from the chair and went back to the kitchen area, stepping over my dogs as they laid on the ground. I heard a chair screech and knew that Happy sat down at the table as well, probably reading the paper too.

Setting two waffles on a plate, I put two others down. I asked him, going to the fridge, "do you like maple syrup on your waffles? Butter?"

"Only maple syrup." Happy gruffed out.

I took out the container and with the plate, I went to the table. Setting the plate in front of him I asked, "orange juice?"

He shook his head, looking at something in the paper as he read something that caught his interest. Going back to the kitchen, I got myself a glass of orange juice before the other set of waffles came out. Setting them on another plate, I grabbed utensils for us and brought the three things to the table. I set my plate down first and then the juice before I heard the phone ring. My cell phone ring. My legit cellphone that I don't use for the club. Half the time I forgot I had it since I rarely used it. I raised my eyebrow and told him, "one moment."

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