Chapter Forty-Three

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When I opened my eyes, tired with fatigue, I saw that it was dark outside. I was still wrapped up in blankets in my bed and I felt something at my feet. I looked down to see Buddy rolled in a ball there and it made me smile a little to see him. I moved to sit up a little and I leaned over to pet him a couple of times. He moved, stirred by how I touched him and to check and see if I was okay. I gave him a short smile and I told him in a whisper, "hey Buddy."

He moved his head against my hand and it helped me feel better. I yawned a little and turned to look over at the clock beside my bed. Four in the morning. Sunrise would be in a couple of hours. I looked around. No doubt everyone would be sleeping. I wondered if I could make it outside for a smoke without bothering people.

I carefully got out of bed, still in the clothes that I was in yesterday. My cut was even still on. I stood up and ran a hand through my hair and moved to turn on the lamp beside my bed. I looked in the mirror at myself, my make-up messed from yesterday's fiasco, but I didn't look too bad. Just pale, and it was dark lighting and my skin looked translucent in it.

I sighed and moved back to Buddy. I patted his head and kissed it before I told him, "stay here Buddy."

I knew that he would. He was tired and it was an eventful day.

After grabbing a pack of cigarettes from the top of my dresser. I carefully moved out of my room after putting on my shoes. I needed to get out of the room, walk around and get out in the open air. I opened the door as quietly as I could and looked around the hallway. Peace and quiet. After standing there for about a minute to make sure that everything was still, I walked out and shut the door behind me, closing the door slowly as to make as little noise as possible.

Going down the hallway to the main rooms, I saw that they were empty, the lights on only to the bar and a couple of others to give people light if they need to walk around in the night. I made it to the doorway, everything still quiet. I opened the door slowly and as quietly as I could before going outside. I shut the door silently behind me, a bit of shiver taking me from the colder night air. After shutting the door, I looked around the early morning of the shop and office. It was quiet out here too, peaceful.

I moved to the picnic tables off to the side and sat down. They were cold on my legs, but I didn't mind. I took the pack of cigarettes from my broken hand before putting it on the table, realizing that I forgot the lighter. I know I sighed outward but there was an even deeper and louder eternal groan that went through my body. And I didn't want to go back in and risk the guys hearing me. I slumped my shoulders a bit before I looked around, noticing that the shedder was still outside. So much for helping Gemma yesterday.

My head turned though when I heard the door open. I wasn't surprised or scared by the sound. I wasn't exactly surprised that I woke someone up. I was quiet, but I know someone who had the hearing of a hound dog. And sure enough, he came through the door.

Happy looked around once before he spotted me, still in a grey SAMCRO shirt and black sweat pants. I stood still as I looked at him before I opened my mouth and said, "please tell me you have a lighter."

His face of concern goes into a grin before he moves back inside for a second to grab something. He comes back out with a lighter in his hands, holding it out so I can see it clearly, even in the night. I smiled slightly back and saw him move to sit on the other side of the table. He handed me the lighter and I told him in a small voice, "thanks."

I took a cigarette out of the pack before I put it between my teeth and lit it. After, I set the lighter on the table and moved to hold the cigarette pack as best I could in my fingers of my broken wrist and asked him, "want one?"

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