Chapter Four

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Guns had taken a bit longer than I expected. Don't get me wrong, it was fun and I think that a lot of the guys had a lot of fun too, but I didn't expect that we wouldn't be making our way back to Charming until about one in the morning. I don't get tired too easily, but I needed some sleep by that time. We decided to have some fun with the guns in the dark, which looking back on it now probably wasn't a great idea, but at the time seemed like a lot of fun and it was a lot of fun. We bet who could shot well in the dark. I can't even remember who one, but I remember laughing a lot. Gemma had to be the mom and tell all of us no when we asked for beer, but I knew even then that it probably wasn't a good mixture to have drunk guys shooting guns in the dark. We had some light from the truck headlights, but it wasn't enough.

I decided to take a night at the clubhouse. I knew that I would probably sleep in a bit later to get some more sleep in, but my Harley was still at the clubhouse so I could go home when I wanted to and go for my run. Hopefully the guys wouldn't need me until then. The clubhouse wasn't dirty so there was no quick need to clean it and I don't think that Clay had any plans on doing things too important for my attention. I think they were just going to figure out where and how to sell the new guns and to whom. I wouldn't think that they would need me for that, but I would always keep my phone on just in case they did for some reason need me.

Since I didn't have any clothes with me I just took off my jeans and went under the covers. They were soft and covering and I was only under the sheets for about fifteen minutes before I fell asleep. I could hear the guys getting rowdy last night. Clearly they weren't ready to leave the fun and go to bed. However, they didn't last long and after an hour I heard peace. I could only guess that the guys passed out all around the clubhouse. Sometimes that was a really fun aspect of being a prospect, seeing what new positions the guys seemed to pass out in. I once seen Opie halfway leaning over the bar, his legs the only thing holding him up as he was upside down. How he managed not to fall was beyond me but I didn't exactly appreciate the view with him having no pants on for that.

As I woke up in the bed and remembered why I was sleeping at the clubhouse, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I think the guys took a big step in accepting me. They were attentive and actually enjoying themselves. They treated and acted like I was level with them, which is something I didn't think that I would get when I first started prospecting.

I looked around the room and got a shock to my life. I narrowed my eyes down at Juice since he was sleeping soundly, passed out on the floor, fully clothed. When did he even enter the room? I'm sure that I would have heard him. I decided to shrug it off, he was probably looking for a room and stumbled into mine thinking it was empty.

Getting up from the bed, I stretched my arms above my head before heading to the washroom. I shut the door behind me and I leaned over the sink, looking at myself in the mirror before I brushed my hair the best that I could with my hands. Taking the hair elastic off of my wrist, I looked at myself in the mirror as I placed my hair in the ponytail. Afterwards, I looked down at the sink and leaned over before turning on the hot tap. I waited for a couple of seconds, letting the water get hot before I cupped some of it in my hands and splashed it onto my face. I let out a sigh before turning the water off and turning to get a towel. I dried my face before looking down at myself. I would need to go home and change into some shorts, but that shouldn't take too long.

I left the bathroom and moved out of the room, shutting the door and leaving Juice on the floor. It wasn't like I could move him without waking him up. He would have been dead weight. I began walking down the hall and turned a corner before jumping, seeing Gemma at the bar cleaning up. Both her and I laughed and I said, "Jesus Gemma I wasn't expecting anyone up."

The brunette woman smiled as well before she said, "sorry, honey. I didn't expect anyone to be up this early."

I walked over to the bar and sat down at one of the chairs, looking around. It was surprisingly passed out men-free. I looked at her and said, "I usually get up before this, but I was tired for some reason. I slept in a bit."

"Slept in? Goodness!" Gemma commented as she wiped down the counter. I looked up at her and asked, "why are you up and cleaning at this hour then?"

Gemma shook her head, "for whatever reason I couldn't sleep. Clay asked me to stay the night, I helped to wind things down, put the guys in their beds."

"Ah, that explains Juice on the floor of my room," I nodded, laughing slightly.

Gemma chuckled, "I tried to get Juice out but he was on the floor and falling asleep. I didn't think that he would do any harm so I just left him there."

I nodded, "It was just a surprise when I woke up. I'm surprised that I slept through it."

"It would have been more wild if there were more crow eaters here, but it was late by the time we got here, most of them left or were sleeping. Bobby, Tig and Chibs got a few but nothing else really went on. They were already drinking, they didn't have enough time to get super rowdy," Gemma explained.

I nodded again and said, "well, it seemed like the guys had a good time. Good thing we had you Gemma you were our safety net. I'm sure we would have had more last night if you hadn't stopped us."

Gemma chuckled, "that's what I'm here for hun." I smiled and Gemma said, keeping my attention, "I think you made a big...well deal to the guys last night. Clay wouldn't stop talking about it. I didn't think that he would really ever agree to all this, but he seemed to like you. He told me the first night that you asked him to prospect that he hates to go against tradition, but he saw something in you like how he saw something in the other guys and founding members here in SAMCRO."

I beamed and she looked up at me, giving me another smile before saying, "he really liked what you did last night, showing off a bit and teaching them about the guns and's hard to put into words but all I am saying, darling, is to keep doing what you're doing. Clay liked you before this and he really liked you after last night."

I was smiling, not even thinking about my expression, just that Clay seemed to like me. I always thought that it was Gemma who kept forcing Clay to keep me in the group, but it wasn't. Maybe Gemma helped a bit, but everything was still through Clay and his thoughts. He actually wanted me here.

I told her, "thank you, Gemma. You probably made my day by telling me this."

She smiled and said, "I never thought that I would see a woman in here that wasn't an old lady or croweater, but the guys really seem to like you and Clay's right, you have the right set of skills for being in this club."

Clay said that?

"I'm just worried that last minute they are going to back out," I confessed.

Gemma shook her head and told me, taking one of my hands in both of hers, "honey, with this club, there is nothing to worry about. This charter likes you. The only reason why Clay is a bit hesitant is because he is in one charter, and you just prospecting hasn't been the best...reporting to other charters. The talk to Clay and the others, but he stands his ground. The only one here that might say no to you becoming a member is Kozik, but between you and me, he might go out again, so he might leave you alone then. If Clay says no, it won't be because he doesn't like you, Row. It would be because the other charters and nomads got too involved, but he wouldn't sentence you to exile or ask you to black out your tat."

I nodded as she talked, silent until she said everything that she wanted to. Once she was done, I sighed and said, "that's just what I am worried about. I worked so hard for nothing."

Gemma let go of my hand with one of hers and brought it up to my face before tucking a finger under my chin, "honey, Clay is strong and is best friend with the founding members. He'll have a lot of say. I wouldn't worry too much. If he didn't want you to become a member then he wouldn't have allowed you to prospect."

That put a smile on my face again and it caused Gemma to smile as well. She leaned over and kissed my cheek, "give it time, it's only a couple more months of prospecting, darling. And when you do become one of them, I don't think there will be a prouder Son of Anarchy."

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