Chapter Forty-Eight

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"I was a dancer," I commented to Happy, moving my fingers delicately over his chest, like them dancing around. It was one of the many random things that I was now telling Happy at this early, three in the morning hour. We laid in my bed, his one arm around my waist to hold me close. I was on my side, against him with my head on his shoulders. However sometimes I would rest it on my hand that was being held up by my elbow as he laid on his back, both of us listening to each other.

After the sex....which I couldn't exactly put into words...we just laid there. The walls, like I thought, had completely collapsed. After Happy and I laid there, naked under the sheets, for almost an hour now just talking. Starting with our family lives and random things about ourselves and making comments to the other.

"A dancer?" Happy asked, his voice still raspy, "I should have suspected. You have that thing about you for it. The grace shit or something like that...Ballet?"

He looked down at me and I nodded, looking up at him, "yes...good guess. I started ballet with my sisters. Rachelle loved it...or the attention at lest. It wasn't Rhea's thing and she soon dropped it, but for four years Rachelle and I were little ballerinas...I think I still have the pictures in those albums. But my mom has most of them."

"Hard to imagine you in a tutu." Happy commented.

I chuckled, "well I haven't put one on in nineteen years so don't think that you will get lucky and see so unless I was between four and eight."

He nodded, thinking about that for a second. I could see his eyes burrow together and I grinned. I asked him, a small giggle, "what?"

"It's just...weird that nineteen years ago you were eight." Happy commented, his hand still stroking my side.

I grinned, playing now. I told him, "aww...poor old guy."

"I am not old." Happy said.

"Oh no you're still in denial." I laughed, trying not to make it too loud as I looked at his face.

"I am not old." Happy insisted.

"Oh please!" I laughed, still teasing, "I bet you remember when the first Star Wars movie came out."

"Of course I do. It wasn't that long ago! Every adult remembers." Happy said, almost annoyed as he began to think about the timeline.

Giggling I shook my head, "I'm an adult and I don't."

"Of course you do!"

"No I don't!"

I couldn't help myself from laughing and giggling as he struggled to actually think about how old he was.

"Oh come on," I insisted, "just how old were you."

"I was in my early twenties!" Happy insisted, "I saw it with some friends and had an instant crush on badass, sassy Princess Leia."

"Oh I bet you went to see it with a group and you went to the theatre." I was giggling.

Laughing a little, he rubs his hands over his face, "shut up, little girl. You did too. What, did you see it with your dad or something?"

I shook my head, "no! I was too young!"

"Shut up."

"I was! I was three when the first Star Wars movie came out!" I told him.

He looked at me, frozen for a second before he said, trying to wrap his head around that, "stop that, you were not."

"I was!" I told him, laughing, "I was three! Episode IV, A New Hope came out in 1977! I was born in 1973! I was almost four years old!"

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