Chapter Three

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I walked over to Juice, handing him one of the Winchester Rifles. I had already given guns to all of the other guys, who were looking over the large and powerful rifles. I had my sunglasses on and my hair up to make sure I could see everything. About forty feet away were my newly bought gun targets for practices. The guys wanted to test out the rifles since almost all of them had never held one before. They wanted to see how powerful they were. We were way out of Charming and in about a half hour the sun would start to set. I bought all of the bullets needed and a large number of them as well as five targets. Gemma, Heck, Eli, and Pretty Boy were wanting to stay out of the shooting, knowing well to let the actual club members go first.

I'll admit that it was fun having them under my finger, for once I was teaching them what to do. This was new to them all, I was the one who had the knowledge and I can tell that it made them respect me, look up to me a little.

And that felt good.

I felt like I was one of them, like I wasn't the prospect, that I wasn't the girl amongst men, I was with them and I was working with them. And because of the way that they all acted towards me because of my knowledge made them indifferent. They didn't care. I was with them and they were working with me like I was already in the club, like I was already a brother.

It felt great.

I walked over to them, moving behind them, though when I started talking they all turned to look at me, "you know the normal, unwritten rules for guns. Don't point the gun at anyone, when you are done with it immediately put on the safety if you can. I already showed you all those and if yours doesn't have a safety, you handle it with the utmost care. The last thing we need are hospital trips. Don't play stupid with the guns, you know their damage. And don't move anywhere near between the guns and the targets unless everyone's gun is down."

They all nodded. The first group was Clay, Jax, Bobby, Chibs, and Kozik. I picked up my Winchester after double checking it was out of bullets before I got it into stance, everyone watching. The guns were all in the back of Heck's truck. We all grouped into vehicles to make sure that the cops didn't suspect anything and we were far enough that the sound might range far, but it shouldn't reach into Charming.

Once I knew that my gun was ready, I told them as I brought it up, "put it against your shoulder, most are pretty heavy, but make sure that you don't have slacked arms, tight and held tightly." I put my gun up, demonstrating to them. When it was up, I looked over at the five to see them doing the same. Once they were all in the stance I put my gun down and held it normally before telling them, "do you see the eyepiece? That's what you look for to see the target better." With my gun, I held it up in one hand, pointing to the eyepiece with the other. The five looked over at me, the others watching to know what they had to do. When they leaned a bit more into the gun to look through the eyepiece I smiled. I told them, "most will have a bit of a kickback, that's what they are supposed to do, so be prepared. Hold it against your shoulder as best as you can. The kick back will probably surprise you for the first time."

They nodded and got back into their stance. I walked behind them and I told them to go when they were ready. I crossed my arms, looking between them. Clay was the first to shoot and I noticed he moved a bit from the kickback. Bobby was next and from each person, it was then Chibs and Jax, Kozik going last just by a second behind Jax. When they were done the first shot, they put on the safety and turned around to look at me. I smirked and asked, "well, what did you think."

"You're right, they are a lot heavier. A lot harder to aim and shoot," Clay commented, rolling his one shoulder a bit.

I grinned, "not used to the kick back?"

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