Chapter Nine

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((I know that this chapter is way longer than my normal ones, but I know that my chapters have been pretty short and unfufilled so I thought that I would try and make them longer. This one has more action. Hopefully there won't be any more filler chapters. I hope that you all like it. Tell me what you think :) Do you like short or longer better?))


            I stood outside of the club house, Heck beside me, the other prospects on the other side of him. I folded my arms as Clay gave us our last instructions. All of us were outside. One of our partners and suppliers in gun trading had given us fault weapons and Clay wanted to get them back, and make them pay for what they did.

            Clay finished off his explanations before he looked at me and said, “Row I need you to drive around in your jeep, keep surveillance for us. They won’t find it suspicious of a woman driving around. Go around first, see what you can spot and then we will make our way in. We’ll be waiting a couple of streets down until you give us the okay to make it in.”

            I nodded and he turned to Heck Pretty Boy, and Eli, “once we get there, you three will keep watch and help load the guns into vehicles. The rest of us are going to hunt down the guys inside.”

            They nodded as well and saw everyone begin to move. One thing I knew would be easier about this is that it wasn’t a club or gang we were taking the guns from, so the retaliation wouldn’t hit hard, even if it hit at all. They were nobodies, boys who thought that they could make a living working with us. The bad thing is that it would be hard to immediately recognize someone. I knew most of their faces since I’d gone with the guys to get guns many times. I’m pretty sure I knew them all and I knew their car plates, so at least my job was easier.

            Making my way to my jeep, I heard Happy pass me and say, “keep good watch Little Girl.”

            I didn’t say anything. It bothered me, those two words ‘Little Girl’. He was trying to undermine me, put a label on me to say I was a child, a little toddler who should be playing dollies and house. It’s been a week since he was back and he didn’t let up. He stopped calling me Pussy, but I can tell that he liked that I was at his servitude, or at least the one of the club’s. He ordered me around to do stuff that I was already doing so that Clay wouldn’t need to step in. I’d washed his bike, I’d clean the clubhouse, but that was stuff I had done for the other guys many times before. I was a prospect. I was to do what the members wanted without hesitation. As much as I didn’t like it and I knew that he was taking advantage of it, that included Happy.

            But I learned that letting his words roll off my back also pissed him off a little. Half the time I would smile and nod. He was trying to get to me. He was trying to find out where my line was, how much I could take. How much he could give. The guys knew what he was doing too. I could tell that some of them didn’t agree, but they knew it was Happy’s process about judging someone.

            So as much as it hurt me to stay silent, if that is what it takes for me to get my patch then I would do it. I wasn’t going to give in to what Happy wanted. I still had a month and a half left. I didn’t want to change things. I’m in the final stretch now.

            I looked over at Happy and saw him get on his bike along with the other guys. I got into the drivers seat of my jeep and I made sure my phone had good battery before I shut my door and turned the key. I heard the jeep come to life and I smiled as I heard the radio come on as well. I heard the others bike’s start and the other vehicle Heck, Pretty Boy, and Eli were taking. I looked out my window and watched Clay lead and Jax follow as the bikes all left the clubhouse. I let the boys go first before I followed last. I followed at a good pace, going behind them so that they could still see me, but if people passed, they would think that I might not be with them.

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