Chapter 22

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            I had been trying to sleep for a while now. Not even the pain killers could knock me out tonight, my mind was too preoccupied. All they did was quiet the stinging pain in my arm and keep me from having a headache, which I was in turn very happy about.

            It was almost three in the morning as I looked at the clock again. I sighed. I put the television on a while ago, trying to quiet my mind and help me sleep, but that didn’t work. I moved to sit up in my bed and I looked over at the television. It was a news station. I sighed and got up. I was going to settle for this once and for all.

            Opening the dressers in the room of the clubhouse, I took out some jeans and took off my pajama pants before putting on a bra and getting a tank top. I put my hair in a ponytail before I put on my boots quickly. I turned off the television before I moved out of my room. I stood at my doorway and looked around the hallway. It was dead silent. Some of the guys went home and some were sleeping here.

            Going down the hallway as quietly as I could, I made my way to Happy’s room.

            I don’t know why my answer was Happy, but it was.

I remember seeing him go into his room just a couple of hours earlier but I had seen him go into that specific room many times. He agreed to stay at the club house after he got out since he didn’t have any other place to stay. A couple of hours ago I saw him go in with a sweetbud, one of the newer ones and I remember wondering if she knew what she was getting into, but that really wasn’t any of my business since she could leave whenever she wanted.

            I sighed as I stood outside the door. I brought my hand up and I knocked at the door, being quiet for the other rooms, but loud enough to catch the room member’s attention.

            After waiting for a couple of seconds, I heard some shuffling before he opened the door. He looked tired and he was only in boxers, which I could guess that he just put on. He leaned against the door and almost glared at me, “what?”

            I had to void my eyes from his chest, looking over all the tattoos, the snakes and smiley faces. I looked back up at him and I sighed before saying, “I want to go back to the warehouse.”

            He was silent, poker face as he looked at me before he opened up the door a bit more. He turned on the lamp light. I could see the sweetbud sleeping under the blankets, moaning a bit from the light. Happy told her in a gruff voice, “get back to sleep. Might want something in the morning.”

            He moved to shut the door behind me before I looked at him, crossing my arms. He crossed his arms as well. I told him, “when we went a couple of hours ago, I saw some bodies missing. Maybe I’m paranoid but something has been on my back about this. I want to go back.”

            “I figured that’s why you asked me where we killed some guys last night.” Happy commented.

            I stared at him a bit more before Happy ran his hand over his head and looked at the clock, “I didn’t see all the bodies either. In the dark I thought the ones I didn’t see were outside in the back where you and Juice were.”

            Happy looked up at me and we were both silent for a couple of minutes before he stated, “you want me to come with you.”

            Nodding, he began to nod as well before he got up off the bed. I watched him go over to his dresser and grab a shirt and put it on before getting some pants. I waited patiently before he put on his shoes and got his cut.

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