Chapter Eighteen

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            I woke up to the smell of bacon and sausage frying. I could hear the sizzling from the kitchen. I groaned a bit and woke up before I looked around. There was no one else in the room with me and only Buddy was the dog beside me. I got up and took away the blanket before I ran a hand through my hair. I walked carefully, still keeping in mind of my ribs.

            Going to the new room, I saw Happy there with Eli and I gave them both a weird look before looking up at the clock. It was nine in the morning. I hated how much I slept in now.

            When they heard me, they looked over at me and I told them, “I didn’t realize that Martha Stewart broke into my house.”

            Eli grinned, “I went shopping before I came over, thought that I would get a large breakfast for everyone here. I think Donna is still sleeping, but Opie left for the club. James is outside with Fawn and Dawn.”

            “Not out front right?” I asked him.

            Eli shook his head, “no, they are out back with the dogs playing.”

            I sighed a bit with relief. Tig would have had my ass if I put his daughters in this much danger.

            I moved over to the stove a bit more and saw the works. Pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, and bacon. I raised my eyebrows, “breakfast at the ritz?”

            Happy shrugged and I told them, “you could have woken me up to help you. I wouldn’t have minded.”

            “You needed to rest up. Take it easy. You ran again yesterday, James tells me.” Eli said.

            “Someone was shooting up the clubhouse.” I said, giving him a bit of a cold stare.

            “But you have your ribs to worry about.” Eli said.

            I blinked twice, a legitimate question coming out of me, “what’s your point?”

            He was about to answer me when I heard someone coming down the stairs. I turned and so did Happy. I called out, “Donna that you?”

            “Yeah. I’ll be down in a minute.” I heard her call.

            Both Happy and I went walking to the end of the staircase by the front door. I looked up at her to see her holding her stomach as she carefully made her way down the staircase. I asked her as I watched her, “you okay? Need any help?”

            “I’ll make it down. Could you go and get my sweater though? I thought I left it down here but now that I see it isn’t in the living room it must be upstairs.” Donna answered as she finished up going down the last few steps.

            Nodding, I told her, “I’ll get it. You can go to the kitchen and watch breakfast being made, or watch television or sit outside on the back deck. Make yourself at home.”

            Donna gave me a smile, “I could smell it from upstairs. Thank you, Row.”

            I gave her one last smile before I began to walk up my staircase, Happy following me. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t question it either. As I went up my staircase and got to the top, I asked him as I moved down the short hallway t my bedroom, “Clay not ask you to go with them for today?”

            “Nah, thought that I would be better suited helping out around here to make sure that everything went smoothly. If he definitely needs me though then he will call, but I think today they are setting up the meeting with the Niners, not to mention that they dropped off the kid’s dead body. They might be more inclined to find out where the Old Ladies are.” Happy answered.

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