Chapter Thirty-Two

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I woke up in the morning and groaned slightly as I moved around to reach for my bag. Surprisingly, the sun was up. I could see it through the blinds of the cramped hotel room. Those blinds did not look thick but I could see the shining bright light on the ground under the blinds. I moved onto my other side and reached to my black bag. I picked out my watch and saw that it was about ten in the morning. Wow, we all slept in. We didn't even make it to bed late either. I knew that my meds were making me a bit more tired, but I didn't think I'd be asleep until now.

I picked up my phone and cringed at the bright light it brought onto my face. Five new messages from last night. Three of them were from Rhea, one was from Rachelle, and the other was from Eli. I sighed and looked around the room. The guys were all still sleeping, although I could tell that from their snoring. The television had been on all night, which didn't surprise me. I was the first to fall asleep and sleeping with the television helped me to do so. I wondered who was the last to stay up. I almost wanted to check my face to make sure there wasn't marker on it.

Somehow all five of us managed to pile into a hotel room. When we were at the hotel we were making a plan for the night. I insisted that I could grab some blankets and I would be fine with sleeping in the back of the truck, but the guys insisted that all five of us would be able to share a hotel room and split the cost evenly. The room wasn't amazing, but it was a decent price so we had a decent room with no bugs and had a tv and was nice.

Somehow, we managed to have two small beds, two cots, and a couch that turned into a bed. The guys tried to convince me to take one of the beds, but since I was the smallest, I thought that I would be the most comfortable on the fold out couch bed, which wasn't that bad. Stiff, but not terrible. Happy and Tig got the beds while Opie took one cot and Jax the other. I can't remember how the guys decided that one, but both Jax and Opie were spilling from them and I was surprised the two of them didn't ditch the cots and sleep on the floor.

I was already making a game plan. I would check my messages and after that, I would go to the washroom and change and get ready for the day before I woke up the others and demanded that they hurried. During that time I would find a place to meet Rhea and Rachelle and where they knew Rod was.

I went to the message Eli sent me first, both because it was first on my list and the other because he didn't get a chance to answer me back before I went to bed and I knew he was anxious. I read the text: I really want to talk to you about this. Please don't tell anyone else. At least not until I talk to you first. Please let me explain. It's not what you think.

I'm sure that was false, but I'd hear him out first. I answered him back: I promise. Sit tight. I'll be back when I can.

I sent the message before going back to the main message list and I looked over what Rhea sent me, rolling my eyes and grinning a bit at her impatience.

How did you guys do? Just got Rachelle. You said you're staying in a hotel, you still doing that?

It's eleven at night. If you don't answer me I'm going to assume you and your friends went to a hotel for the night.

Rowen? It's nine-fifteen in the morning. What hotel are you at? Rachelle and I want to get started. Rod's already out with his buddies. We need a game plan.

Fuck. He was already with them? Probably hanging out or something. I didn't like it. I knew that we had to leave quickly then. Every minute my brother spent with those people, the more he was turning to them and becoming them. And I wouldn't let that happen. I would not leave and go back to Charming until my brother was away and detached from these cult members.

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