Chapter Six

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            I got out of my dark red jeep before I made my way to Pretty Boy’s front door. I knocked a couple of times, waiting for an answer. It was later in the morning. Clay was wanting us to clean up the place after a party and to help with some digging, whatever that meant, but Pretty wouldn’t answer his phone. I was the one sent to check up on him, and get his ass over to TM.

            It was a fucking hot day. I’m not the one to wear shorts, my legs are too skinny, but I knew that I wouldn’t last in jeans. It took all I could not to just wear a bra under my cut, but I thought that a tank top would be fine. It was bright red and my shorts were a dark blue. I had my hair up so that it was off my neck. It was one of the hottest days of summer and I felt like I would melt. I took wore my sunglasses but it seemed like a heavy weight on my skin.

            After a couple of minutes I heard the door unlock and I stood up a bit straighter and moved a bit away from the door. I watched it open and I smiled at the face that greeted me and I pulled up my sunglasses and looked at her, “hey Ashley. It’s been a while.”

            The brunette girl with blonde highlights gave me a smile. I could tell by her long wet hair and how she was dressed in sweats that she had just gotten out of the shower. And I wished that I could spend all day in one. You couldn’t run out of cold water could you?

            He girl smiled and told me, “hey, Row. It has been a while, but I’m guessing you’re not here to see me are you?”

            I chuckled and shook my head, “always good to see you Ash, but I’m on messenger to get Jonah. He here? He’s not answering the phones and Clay is getting a bit pissed.”

            Ashley shook her head, “I told him how many times that the phone was ringing. He didn’t believe me. Wanted to keep going. You know guys.”

            I shook my head and rolled my eyes, “not really but I know Pretty Boy.”

            She chuckled. Ashley was Pretty Boy’s girlfriend of two years, almost three. From what I had seen of them together they were pretty cute. Apart you never would have guessed that they would work well, but they did. After getting to know Jonah I got to know Ashley pretty well. She was a gorgeous girl. I was so jealous of her and her looks. People complement me on my skinny waist and boobs, but she had an hour glass like figure. She had green eyes that were shaped nicely by her glasses and she always seemed to have a nice tan. She looked strong and she looked pretty. But I knew her attitude. Sweetest bitch you would ever meet, Ashley. She seemed quiet and innocent at first, but then it’s a different story, but not a bad one. We got along, we thought the same and her attitude was fun. In general she was just fun to be around.

            Ashley chuckled before telling Rowan, “he’s in the shower right now.”

            I chuckled, “thank god. We all wanted to say something.”

            Ashley chuckled herself before she looked over her shoulder when we heard, “thank God for what? That I’m here?”

            I chuckled and Ashley said, “no, that you don’t stink anymore.”

            I saw Jonah come around to the door, a towel around his waist. I shook my head and looked away, “Jonah, put some pants on. I don’t need to see those parts of you.”

            He chuckled, “you’ve seen the other guys. It’s just a dick.”

            “I’d rather not know what my friend’s privates look like thank you very much. It was bad enough that I see all of those other’s. Unnecessary sight,” I told him.

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