Chapter Fourty

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I looked at Jacob as he walked up to the market. I was already going through the first sets of tents with a small yellow basket in my hand that I may or may to have stolen from the local Charming grocery store almost six years ago. It's not like they miss it anymore. I accidentally brought it back to my jeep and I realized that it would be a good basket to bring around to the market since I usually get a lot of my food there, or other things like books or other jewelry. It saved from carrying multiple bags.

I gave him a smile and a small wave while I stopped, leaning on one leg as crossed my arms, one arm holding the basket. He gave me a smile back and I saw him put something in his back pocket, which I assumed was his wallet. He moved to make a slight jog as he came towards me before he stopped by me.

"Hey." I told him with a smile.

He gave me a bright smile back, his eyes giving me one as well, "hey."

He looked down at my basket and gave it a bit of a point before he asked me, "...where can I get one of those. I think they could be helpful."

I chuckled a bit before I shrugged, "you can't get them here...I actually accidentally stole it a couple of years...well like six years ago and I found it helpful when I come here. You can get a lot of good local produce and other stuff here and I usually get a lot."

He laughed a bit when I said I stole it. He asked me, "how do you accidentally steal something?"

"I was going on autopilot and I put the basket in my back seat with my food still in it. Didn't realize that I actually had the basket for a while until I got home." I shrugged, "so I just kept it. I used to go to the market every other week or so depending if I ate everything so I thought it was easier to keep it. By now they won't care if I kept it."

He grinned as I told my story and I couldn't help but smile because of that. He nodded and told me, "good job then, thief."

I grinned, and corrected him, "a pretty thief."

He laughed, "very much so."

I almost smacked him because he almost made me blush. I was joking and if I said that to the guys at TM then they would have agreed but we would have laughed about it. It seemed different than this. It was almost funny that he approved of my 'little thief' story when he probably had no idea that on purpose I've done so much worse than steal a little basket. And that point of stealing was by accident and it was the lowest form of stealing, out of all the things under the umbrella of stealing you could do.

He looked around at some of the tents that ere near us before he looked back at me, putting his hands in his pant pockets. He asked me, "have you gone anywhere yet?"

I shook my head and answered him, "no. I just got here and got looking around to tents I definitely want to go to."

He nodded and asked, "so what are you looking for?"

"Blackberries, blueberries, apples, basil, carrots, broccoli, if anyone has it cauliflower, garlic, grapes if there are some around yet, mushrooms, peaches, and potatoes." I said, looking up as I tried to remember the list that I had made in my head of some of the things that I wanted, "oh! And jam and bread if there is some around."

He let out a low whistle, "you sure are a health nut."

I grinned and shrugged before I began to move down the pathway that was a bit crowded as people started to come in.

"Its just good to get back into my habits. Help balance out how much beer and crap I have at the clubhouse..or just making food." I answered before going to a tent that had all different types of berries. I smiled at the lady and she smiled back as I moved to look at a basket of blueberries.

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