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Sasuke gave a frustrated sigh as he scrolled through one of the multiple job search apps on his phone. He was looking for something that would allow him a flexible enough schedule with not too many hours, but would still give him enough spending money for the non-school related things without having to tap into his inheritance. He was lucky and didn't need to worry about things such as tuition or knowing what he'd be doing with his life after graduation. He wanted to enjoy being a young adult before taking on the reasonability of working at his family's company. Unlike most people, he wouldn't need any kind of business related experience to find a job after finishing his degree.

His "unfair advantage" was one of the reasons people thought he had a perfect life. Sasuke understood why people thought that his life was easy. From an outsider's perspective it seemed his life was perfect and carefree. It is easy to judge someone from appearances alone, not truly knowing what they are going through behind closed doors, when they put on a façade that everything is fine.

Naruto looked over at him from his bed, wondering what could be so frustrating about scrolling through his phone. "What are you doing?" Naruto asked. He didn't seem to be texting and the other teen was rarely on social media. In fact, Naruto was pretty sure that he only had any kind of social media because Suigetsu made it for him. He'd seen the apps on his phone but the other teen never posted anything and he didn't think Sasuke was the kind of guy to use social media to find funny memes. While Sasuke didn't like to lose, he also didn't think that he would get that annoyed with losing some mobile game so he was curious as to what would make him frustrated while scrolling through his phone.

"Nothing," Sasuke answered as he switched positions so he was lying on his stomach, using his arm for support with his phone on the bed in front of him.

Naruto rolled his eyes before getting up and making his way over to see what the other was looking at. "Why are you looking for a job?" Naruto asked as he read over Sasuke's shoulder. He was confused since he figured the other teen didn't need money given the fact that he was an Uchiha and born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Naruto's face was a little too close for the dark haired teen's liking. Sasuke took a deep breath, but it didn't help as it just made it so he could smell the cologne that Naruto wore. It wasn't a strong scent, but it was almost intoxicating and Sasuke knew he had to get him away. "Will you stop reading over my shoulder?" Sasuke said, harsher than normal. He wouldn't admit that he was having a little bit of an internal crisis ever since they had hung out alone, which was definitely not a date.

Naruto just rolled his eyes again, wondering why the raven was in such a bad mood. He thought he saw a hint of a blush, but thought he was probably just seeing things so he brushed it off as nothing. "I was just wondering what you were doing," Naruto said. "But somebody wouldn't tell me, so I thought I'd take a look for myself," he added.

"Yeah you're good at that," Sasuke muttered. Naruto ignored the comment, not wanting to get into another fight with Sasuke. "Yes, I'm looking for a job," Sasuke finally answered with a sigh.

"I need one too! Is there anything good? Maybe we could work together," Naruto said excitedly as he sat down next to Sasuke. The pale teen shut his eyes, trying to will away the headache that came with the blonde's questions. He wasn't sure if he could handle working and rooming with Naruto.

"I really don't think that'd be a good idea," Sasuke said, trying to discourage the blonde from even trying to get the same job as him.

Naruto wasn't listening as he opened the app on his own phone and began looking for jobs for the two of them. "Look this one says that it has multiple positions available," he said happily. Sasuke just sighed, he was already starting to feel confused about his feelings for the blonde, he didn't need to have him any his life anymore than necessary. "It'll be fun and it's at a coffee shop," Naruto added with a smile.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now