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Ino and Sai sat outside at a table, eating lunch. It was a rather nice day and they were talking about spring break and going with Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto had sent out a group text message about it the day before, making them all begin making plans. "It'll be a lot of fun," Ino said with a smile.

"Yeah," Sai agreed. The table went silent for a moment before Sai said, "Can I ask you something?" He seemed far more nervous than usual, which made Ino wonder what he was thinking.

"Of course, anything," Ino said. She was hoping that he was going to ask her out, but she wasn't going to just assume.

"I was wondering if, uh, you wanted to be my girlfriend," Sai said nervously. He wasn't sure if she had as good of a time on their date as he did, so he had been putting off asking her. He also wasn't sure what she'd say given her friendship with Sakura. He may be clueless to many social cues, but Sakura wasn't the most subtle person. Even he could tell that his and Ino's budding relationship was causing issues between the two.

"I'd love to," she smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She had decided that she wasn't going to let Sakura hold her back from being happy. Had the pink haired girl actually liked him for his personality it might be different, but all she liked was his looks. Ino had been spending time with Sai and actually like him as a person, not just because she found him attractive. His looks were a bonus, not the main reason for her feelings.

He smiled back, happy that she felt the same way. The two went back to talking, enjoying each other's company as they talked about what they could do at the beach over spring break.


Hinata and Sakura sat in the pink haired girl's room. All of their other girl friends seemed to be busy. Sakura thought about what Ino was up to. She knew that the blonde was with Sai, which made her a little disappointed. "I hate being single," the pink haired girl huffed.

"Then why not go out with Lee?" Hinata asked timidly. She didn't understand why she didn't give the guy a chance. It felt like they'd had the same conversation a million times. "I thought you were going to give him a chance." She was confused by the other girl's actions. One minute she seemed to be ready to give Lee a chance and the next she was saying she wouldn't.

"Because, it's Lee," Sakura sighed, as if that was supposed to explain everything. She had been battling within herself as to whether she should go out with him, so it was difficult for her to explain why she wouldn't go out with him.

"So?" Hinata asked, confused as to what Sakura meant. "What's wrong with Lee?" she wondered. "He's a nice guy and clearly likes you."

"There's nothing wrong with him, he's just," she paused. "I don't' know how to describe it," she said. She couldn't explain why she wouldn't go out with him. Hinata was right, he was a nice guy and had always liked her.

"Is it really fair not to give him a chance?" she asked. She knew it was difficult when someone liked you that you didn't like, but she also thought everyone should be given a chance. She had told her multiple times that it was worth a shot.

"Probably not," Sakura sighed. She knew she should give him a chance, but she just didn't know if she could. "Maybe I'll give him a chance, you know I've been thinking about it, I just don't know if I should," she let out a frustrated sigh.

"Sakura, not everything is about looks," Hinata told her timidly, knowing what was really holding her back. "You know that you're one of my best friends and usually I wouldn't say this, but you need to get over yourself," the dark haired girl said, finding a little bit of confidence.

"Excuse me?" Sakura asked angrily.

"You don't like Lee because of his looks," the timid girl pointed out.

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