More than Tolerable

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Shikamaru was trying to avoid Ino and Temari. He was well aware that they had both came out with them and were looking for him. The problem was, every time they all three hung out together the two girls fought, silently saying that he should make a decision already. They never said it to his face, but he knew what they thought. If it were that easy to make a decision then he would have already made one. He liked them for different reasons and it wasn't like he could just pick the one that was hotter because he found them both appealing in different ways.

Ino's history of obsessing over Sasuke raised a red flag for him, but as far as he knew she had gotten over it during high school and moved her focus onto him, in a much less obsessive manner. Temari's younger brother was often a deterrent and it was no secret that he had not so subtly threatened him on at least one occasion. Temari had scolded her brother's actions, but he knew deep down it pleased her to watch him squirm. He was pretty sure the other teen might try to bury him alive if he hurt his sister. All he wanted to do was get out of there and find a nice hill to look at the stars, but he figured someone would see him leave and both girls would know exactly where to find him, he was sort of predictable in that sense.

"Have you seen Ino and Temari?" Shikamaru asked Sai, who was standing quietly by Hinata and Shino. All three of them looked as if they weren't enjoying the party much. Hinata seemed nervous, her social anxiety taking over. Shino seemed bored, like he'd rather be anywhere other than at a party and would likely be leaving soon enough. The brunette figured if Sasuke weren't drunk and busy making out with Naruto then he'd probably be right there with them grumbling something about dumb blondes and trying to hide the fact that he was watching Naruto.

"Ino was talking to Chouji a few moments ago, I believe she was looking for you," he smiled, obviously not seeing that this was a bad thing. "Temari was talking to Gaara, she looked angry, or at least I think she was angry. She was clenching her fists as she looked around," he said while keeping the smile on his face. Shikamaru could only think that the guy was clueless when it came to people, or at least was acting like it, because every one knew that it meant that those two were looking for him. Either he took pleasure in watching people suffer or he was oblivious. Shikamaru cursed under his breath as he thanked Sai and leaned against the wall behind Hinata, Sai, and Shino, hoping the two girls wouldn't find them.

Every now and then Hinata would try to strike up conversation with Shino, but none of them led anywhere. All attempts at conversing failed until Shino surprised her by asking "Do you like Naruto still?"

She blushed as she looked down and played with her fingers. Naruto had been her high school crush. She had always been in love with him, or at least the idea of him. "I can't really help it," she stuttered as she continued to play with her fingers. She always stuttered when she was nervous.

"Even after seeing him kiss Sasuke like that, you like him?" he asked as he nodded in the direction of the other two teens. He couldn't believe the girl could be so infatuated with him. It wasn't as if she had a shot with the guy, yet she was infatuated with him. It was understandable when it was a movie star and the girl understood she could never have him, but for it to be a friend made it ridiculous. He just looked at her in disbelief, feeling sorry for Kiba, knowing that he may never have her because her heart belonged to his best friend.

"I know it's foolish, but it's not something you can just turn off," she said once again stuttering and wondering why this was suddenly coming up. She hoped that it wasn't because Shino had a crush on her. Hinata knew that she had harbored no feelings for him. "Why is this coming up?" she looked down, trying not to stutter, but it didn't work as moved on to playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Today's activities just had me wondering if you still love him," he shrugged. "You seemed so interested in talking, so I provided a conversation piece, that's all." He left out the part that he was trying to find out if Kiba had a shot, he didn't want to make anything awkward.

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