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It had been a week and things were still a little awkward between Naruto and Sasuke. The problem was that Naruto didn't know what to say to Sasuke to make it less awkward. For once it wasn't his fault so he couldn't just say sorry to fix it. He was pretty sure that Sasuke was embarrassed. The other teen wouldn't even make eye contact with him and did his best to avoid any conversation beyond small talk and tutoring him. He hoped that he could talk Sasuke into hanging out with their friends for his birthday, though he had a feeling that it would take a lot of convincing. Naruto wanted to party for his birthday and he hoped that in doing so he could make things smooth over, not thinking about how mixing him and Sasuke with alcohol usually made things more awkward, not less.

Naruto walked into his and Sasuke's room to find Sasuke studying on his bed. He figured it would be the perfect opportunity to invite him to his birthday party. "Hey Sasuke," the blonde smiled, causing the raven only to look up, though he didn't respond. "What are you doing?" he asked, though he knew it was fairly obvious.

"Studying," Sasuke answered as he looked back down at his book. He knew he was probably being a little childish about the whole thing. No one had said anything about the movie incident since that night, but that didn't make him any less uncomfortable with the situation. He wasn't sure if they were just doing that to spare him the humiliation, or if it really wasn't that big of a deal. To him it was because it hurt his pride to resort to practically cling to the blonde during something as simple as a movie.

"Well, what are you doing tonight?" Naruto asked, trying to sound nonchalant. He was hoping to get some real responses from Sasuke, but it seemed as if he wouldn't be so lucky.

"Sleeping," Sasuke tried to end the conversation. He knew that Naruto was going to attempt to get him to go somewhere and hoped his clipped responses would make the blonde give up. Given the blonde's history, he knew that the other teen wouldn't give up that easily.

"How about before sleeping, you come to my birthday party," Naruto grinned. "It'll be fun and there will be lots of alcohol," he tried to convince him.

"Do you really want to mix us and alcohol again?" Sasuke asked. He knew it really wasn't a good idea to ask the question, but he was trying to get out of going.

"Come on if we don't get too drunk then it won't end up the same way," Naruto rolled his eyes, trying to not let his mind drift back to their history with alcohol. He was trying to suppress his feelings and those memories did not help. "Please, you don't even have to buy me a present, just come. But a present would be nice too," the blonde joked.

Sasuke just glared, though Naruto was unfazed by it. "I need to study," Sasuke said, turning away from the blonde. Naruto tried to act like there wouldn't be a lot of alcohol but Sasuke knew better. It was his birthday and there was no doubt in his mind that his friends would be providing him an abundance of alcohol.

Naruto wasn't going to take no for an answer, he grabbed the book from Sasuke, "You can study later, tonight you're coming to my party." Naruto looked at him with a determined gleam in his eyes, "Don't give me some lame excuse, you've been avoiding me since that stupid movie. I don't really understand why since it's not a big deal, I really don't care if horror movies scare you," the blonde finally let out what he had wanted to say for the past week. "What I do care about though, is making you come to my party so we can stop being so awkward around each other," he put his foot down believing that there was no way Sasuke could say no.

"Fine," Sasuke sighed, making the blonde smile. He refused to think about just how easily Naruto had gotten him to agree. He would have told anyone else to fuck off, but with Naruto everything was different. All he could do at that point was hope that Naruto was right and that the night would ease the tension between them and not make it worse.

Lights Out (Revised) NaruSasuNaru [Trilogy Completed]Where stories live. Discover now